
be the making of造句

be the making of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:57:48


be the making of造句

  • 1、That will be our story in the next program of THE MAKING OF A NATION.(這將是我們下周的《一個(gè)民族的形成》欄目中的故事。)
  • 2、The timing of the water networks could be the key to making sense of them.(水流網(wǎng)絡(luò)形成的時(shí)間點(diǎn)可能是關(guān)鍵。)
  • 3、The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by the Member States.(參考的方式由成員國(guó)自己決定。)
  • 4、This statement can be broadened to include the whole area of economic decision-making.(這一論斷可以推廣到包括經(jīng)濟(jì)決策在內(nèi)的整個(gè)領(lǐng)域。)
  • 5、This time needs to be done, that is, the risk of decision-making process.(這個(gè)時(shí)候需要做的,就是風(fēng)險(xiǎn)決策了。)
  • 6、The base year shall be the first profit-making year of the enterprises.(基期年份為此類企業(yè)第一個(gè)盈利年。)
  • 7、The most important part of making a good decision is to be well informed.(要進(jìn)行正確的決策,最重要的是做到博識(shí)。)
  • 8、The purpose of accounting is to provide information that can be useful for economic decision-making.(會(huì)計(jì)的目標(biāo)是提供有益經(jīng)濟(jì)決策的信息。)
  • 9、It should be about the greater goal of making the business successful.(他們是為了商業(yè)成功的大目標(biāo)。)
  • 10、So the level of music making will be world class.(這樣音樂(lè)創(chuàng)作便可達(dá)到世界級(jí)水平。)
  • 11、Hard work willbe the making of him.(辛勤的工作將是他成功的因素。)
  • 12、Of course, your story should be relevant to the point you're making.(當(dāng)然,你的故事應(yīng)該和你的演講主題相關(guān)。)
  • 13、So such people will not be the choice of making friends.(因此這樣的人不值得交朋友。)
  • 14、The possibility of making progress would be a serious challenge even if negotiations began tomorrow.(即便雙邊會(huì)談明天就開(kāi)始,對(duì)雙方而言,取得進(jìn)展的可能性都是一個(gè)嚴(yán)峻的挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 15、Don't be afraid of making mistakes, it is necessary for the children.(不要害怕犯錯(cuò)誤,對(duì)孩子來(lái)說(shuō),犯錯(cuò)誤是必要的。)
  • 16、Making a profit cannot be the primary focus of your life.(總之,掙錢(qián)不能成為你生命的主要目標(biāo)。)
  • 17、Your time must be extracted from the formula of making money.(你的時(shí)間必須從賺錢(qián)的公式中提取。)
  • 18、One of the biggest mistakes you might be making, is taking fear at face value.(也許你犯的最大錯(cuò)誤之一,就是只看到了恐懼的表面。)
  • 19、She was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done.(她忙著把要做的所有工作列一個(gè)清單。)
  • 20、A nice example of making sure that the list will not be deleted by accident.(確保清單不被以外刪除的絕佳例子。)
  • 21、Sometimes making the right sound can be a matter of life and death.(有時(shí)候能否發(fā)出正確的聲音是一件事關(guān)生死的事情。)
  • 22、Intellectual economy will be deep to the influence of company culture, and it is epoch-making.(知識(shí)經(jīng)濟(jì)對(duì)企業(yè)文化的影響將是深刻的,而且是劃時(shí)代的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 23、We are capable of making the better to be the best.(我們善于將優(yōu)秀的培養(yǎng)成最好的。)
  • 24、Making sense of the ingredients can be difficult for the lay person.(決策意識(shí)的成分可以是很困難的在于人。)

be the making of基本釋義

be the making of

英 [bi: e? ?me?k?? ?v] 美 [bi ei ?mek?? ?v] 
