
be weak in造句

be weak in造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:57:42


be weak in造句

  • 1、Samsung expected demand for PCs to remain weak in the fourth quarter because of weak seasonality, while demand for mobile devices and servers will be relatively strong.(三星預期由于淡季的到來,第四季度的電腦需求仍舊很弱,但是對于移動設備和服務的需求相對強勁。)
  • 2、Another weak link in the telecommuting chain can be the users' laptops.(遠程辦公鏈中的另一個薄弱環(huán)節(jié)在于用戶的筆記本電腦。)
  • 3、The built-in capabilities of some vendors may be the most viable alternative even if their capabilities are weak relative to pure-play rules vendors.(即使一些供應商的能力相對于專業(yè)的規(guī)則供應商來說較薄弱,這些供應商提供內(nèi)置的能力也可能是最可行的選擇。)
  • 4、In areas where health systems are weak or virtually non-existent, basic data will not be collected.(在衛(wèi)生系統(tǒng)薄弱或事實上不存在的地區(qū),是不會收集基本數(shù)據(jù)的。)
  • 5、If the economy stays weak, it may not be robust enough to withstand further deficit-cutting measures, including a planned rise in national-insurance contributions this April.(倘若經(jīng)濟繼續(xù)疲軟下去,也許承受不了進一步的赤字減縮措施,這包括了原計劃在四月開始實施的加繳養(yǎng)老保險金。)
  • 6、An example of how the connection can influence us is when our weak-ties get in touch and pass on details about jobs they think might be suitable for us.(一個關系如何影響我們的例子就是,與我們有弱關系的人聯(lián)系我們,并告知他們認為可能適合我們的工作的細節(jié)。)
  • 7、The solution in this case is to change the links in the linked list to also be weak references.(在這種情況下,解決辦法就是也將鏈接列表中的鏈接更改為弱引用。)
  • 8、I always considered myself tobe weak in the English language and avoided it.(那時我總是覺得自己英語不好,所以逃避它。)
  • 9、If the fibers are placed parallel to each other, the finished fabric will have good strength in that direction but will tend tobe weak in the opposite direction.(如果纖維是相互平行的,織物沿纖維方向會有較高的強度,而在與纖維垂直的方向強度會較低。)
  • 10、The students were found tobe weak in sports skills and in lack of understanding of sports.(貧困生體育行為的顯著特點是對體育的認識不足,在體育技能方面偏弱。)
  • 11、Countries expressed their concern that emergency preparedness in many countries is weak, and may not be able to cope with large-scale disasters.(各國還表明了它們對許多國家應急準備薄弱,可能無力應付大規(guī)模災害的關注。)
  • 12、A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought.(新屋銷售激增和每周失業(yè)救濟人數(shù)下降表明,經(jīng)濟可能不像一些分析師此前預期的那樣疲軟。)
  • 13、With a voice so weak that it hardly could be heard, she whispered, "No one lives in this house."(她的聲音微弱得幾乎聽不見,她低聲說:“這所房子里沒有人。”)
  • 14、In these two episodes, we’ll be practicing different levels of agreement and disagreement, from weak to strong.(在這兩節(jié)課中,我們會練習不同程度地表示同意和不同意表達,從弱到強。)
  • 15、She used tobe weak in English.(她以前英語不好。)
  • 16、It adopts the tactics of the weak by backing militants in the region (and by taking hostages), yet appears to be seeking the ultimate power of nuclear weapons.(伊朗采取的是弱者慣用的伎倆——支持本地區(qū)武裝分子(以及挾制人質),卻又表現(xiàn)出一心追求核武器無以倫比威力的姿態(tài)。)
  • 17、I used tobe weak in English.(我以前英語很弱。)
  • 18、Similarly, we've all got weak spots in our CVs, but is it best to try and cover them up or to be upfront and honest?(簡歷中我們都寫出了我們的弱點,但是在面試時,是極力掩蓋這些弱點呢還是坦然面對?)
  • 19、He adds that core capital goods tend to be seasonally weak in the first month after the quarter, due to excess seasonality in the machinery category.(費羅利表示,因為機械類產(chǎn)品具有嚴重的季節(jié)性因素,因此核心資本品往往在季度后的第一個月表現(xiàn)欠佳。) Hao86.com
  • 20、A new report says that weak social ties may be to blame for the higher incidence of mental disorders in cities.(一項新的報道指出微弱的社會紐帶是都市精神疾病的元兇。)
  • 21、But the very reason that Waxman and Markey made it through the energy committee could be that, in the end, it will be too weak to make much difference.(但是維克斯曼-馬基法案能通過能源委員會的關鍵原因在于,它最終還是太過保守而不會造成太大影響。)
  • 22、If only my mouth, before it should be silenced by a bullet, could shout this name in such a way that it could be heard in Germany... my voice, my human voice, was weak.(我的嘴巴在被一顆槍彈打爛之前能喊出那個地名,讓德國那邊聽到就好了……我血肉之軀所能發(fā)的聲音太微弱了。)
  • 23、The humidification canbe weak in the loss from the electric resistance.(提高濕化程度可以減小膜的歐姆損失。)

be weak in基本釋義

be weak in

英 [bi: wi:k in] 美 [bi wik ?n] 
在 ... 方面弱;不擅長于 ...