
Beg your pardon造句

Beg your pardon造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:57:34


Beg your pardon造句

  • 1、IBeg your pardon, I thought that was my coat.(對不起,我還以為那是我的外衣呢。)
  • 2、IBeg your pardon, Miss.(我請求你的原諒,小姐。)
  • 3、IBeg your pardon, if I have offended you.(如果我冒犯了你,請您原諒。)
  • 4、IBeg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked.(請原諒。我想我應該先敲一下門的。)
  • 5、Sorry, IBeg your pardon.(對不起,請您重復一遍。)
  • 6、Oh, IBeg your pardon!(噢,請原諒!)
  • 7、IBeg your pardon; what did you say, Rat?(對不起,剛才你說什么,蘭特?) hao86.com
  • 8、I doBeg your pardon for the mess I have make.(我把事情高得一團糟,一定得請您原諒。)
  • 9、"IBeg your pardon?" she giggled.(“對不起,你說什么?”她咯咯地笑著問。)
  • 10、I doBeg your pardon, buy my intentions were good.(請你原諒我,我本來也是一番好意的。)
  • 11、IBeg your pardon?(請你再說一遍好嗎?)
  • 12、I doBeg your pardon.(請你一定原諒我。)
  • 13、B: IBeg your pardon?(再說一遍好嗎?)
  • 14、IBeg your pardon, doctor, I reallyBeg your pardon.(醫(yī)生先生,我請您原諒,我誠心誠意請您特別原諒。)
  • 15、IBeg your pardon, I am not a dog!(對不起,我不是狗!)
  • 16、Roy: IBeg your pardon?(羅伊:請再說一遍好嗎?)
  • 17、IBeg your pardon, my friend, but why then are you wearing that cotton bag over your ears?(對不起,我的朋友,那你為什么把那個棉袋子戴在耳朵上呢?)
  • 18、JEAN: IBeg your pardon? Who's climbing the tree?(瓊:你說什么?誰在爬樹?)
  • 19、IBeg your pardon. I thought you were someone else.(對不起,我把你當成別人了。)
  • 20、"Would you get undressed, please?"—"IBeg your pardon?"—"Will you get undressed?"(“請你脫下衣服,好嗎?”—“什么?”—“你能脫下衣服嗎?”)
  • 21、IBeg your pardon for my behavior this morning.(對今天早上的行為,我請你原諒。)
  • 22、"IBeg your pardon?" the girl says.(“你在說什么呀?”那女孩說。)

Beg your pardon基本釋義

Beg your pardon

