block up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:56:55


block up造句

  • 1、Ablock up the street I found a car park.(在街道北邊的一個街區(qū)我找到了一個停車場。)
  • 2、The traffic is very heavy, and has begun toblock up the streets.(交通量很大,已經(jīng)開始把街道阻塞住了。)
  • 3、They tried toblock up these holes in the wall.(他們設(shè)法堵塞這些墻洞。)
  • 4、Don't miss the Seawall cafe, oneblock up from the state beach.(不要錯過距海灘只有一個街區(qū)的海堤咖啡廳。)
  • 5、A piece of rock have fall andblock up the path.(一塊巖石掉了下來,堵住了路。)
  • 6、With low pressure loss and simple repair, the annular-type centrifugal flowmeter, being without rotary element installed in it, can not be stuck andblock up.(作為新產(chǎn)品的環(huán)式離心流量計因結(jié)構(gòu)內(nèi)部無轉(zhuǎn)動部件,故不易卡、堵,壓力損失小,維修工作量少。)
  • 7、A curtain doesn'tblock up the window; it only increases the distance between the inside and the outside-a deceiving tempting distance.(窗簾并不堵沒窗戶,只在彼此間增加些距離——欺哄人招引人的距離。)
  • 8、It is very important toblock up the tumor's blood supply during early period of the operation and to resect tumor piecemeally.(早期阻斷腫瘤血供并行瘤內(nèi)分塊切除減容是手術(shù)的重要步驟;)
  • 9、Toblock up the adhesive attraction may be helpful in treating the tumor metastasis.(阻斷這種粘附作用有可能治療腫瘤轉(zhuǎn)移。)
  • 10、Ablock up the street I found a parking lot.(沿著街道往北過了一個街區(qū),我找到了一個停車場。)
  • 11、Understand the newest trends of virus and systematic flaw,block up on the flaw that the system exists.(了解病毒和系統(tǒng)漏洞的最新動態(tài),堵上系統(tǒng)存在的漏洞。)
  • 12、You'd betterblock up that hole in the wall; it's letting the cold in.(你最好把墻上那個洞堵住,它把冷氣放進(jìn)來了。)
  • 13、Macy's, the world's largest department store, is oneblock up the street.(世界上最大的梅西百貨商店,就在旁邊的一個街區(qū)。)
  • 14、If youblock up the chimney, the smoke would fill the room.(如果把煙囪堵住,煙就會充滿屋子。)
  • 15、They think, when large tree purler is when the brook is medium, the speed that brook crosses getsblock up, form a small pond on log.(他們認(rèn)為,當(dāng)一棵大樹倒落在溪中的時候,溪流穿行的速度受到阻礙,并在原木上形成一個小池塘。)
  • 16、You could tell she liked toblock up a lot of traffic.(你看得出她很喜歡堵住交通。)
  • 17、Beavers live near streams and rivers and theyblock up the streams and rivers with like logs and sticks and mud.(海貍住在小溪和河流附近,它們用木頭、樹枝和泥巴堵住小溪和河流。)
  • 18、Toblock up or obstruct by filling or clogging.(通過裝滿或塞滿來堵塞或阻礙。)
  • 19、Don't miss our favorite local restaurant, the Seawall cafe, located oneblock up from the state beach.(海灘附近有我們最好的餐廳。不要錯過距海灘只有一個街區(qū)的海堤咖啡廳。)
  • 20、Hereafter see own very of kid, see that bludger guard a gate in a little while toblock up up.(以后看好自己的孩子,看到那個混混就趕快把門給堵上。)
  • 21、When there is a firecracker voice ringing out, I slightly and at handblock up her ear.(當(dāng)有爆竹聲響起時,我就輕輕地用手堵住她的耳朵。)
  • 22、Open the backs of your knees strongly so there would be no space there if you put ablock up against the skin.(強(qiáng)有力地伸展膝蓋后側(cè),如果你用一塊磚接觸皮膚那里將沒有空間。)
  • 23、Immediately, a huge plank in the door beneath rises from the front door and winks toblock up the sanctuary front door jail jail!(隨即,一個巨大的門板從大門下面升起,眨眼間就將神殿大門牢牢堵?。?
  • 24、People are cleaning up the snow- drifts thatblock up the railroads.(他們正在清除阻礙鐵路交通的雪堆。)
  • 25、A variety of schemes to eitherblock up or seal off the blowout preventer are in development.(多種封閉或密封防噴裝置的方案也在構(gòu)思之中。)
  • 26、In order to explore its causes, researchers will remove the lymph nodes and divided into four, oneblock up on the hands of montagny.(為了探究其病因,研究人員將這個淋巴結(jié)取下并分割成四塊,其中一塊就到了蒙塔尼手中。)

block up基本釋義

block up

英 [bl?k ?p] 美 [blɑk ?p] 
堵塞; 擋住