
block and tackle造句

block and tackle造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:56


block and tackle造句

  • 1、The game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears, and score your points when you get the opportunity.(人生的競(jìng)賽很像橄欖球賽,你必須解決你的問(wèn)題,擋住你的恐懼,并在機(jī)會(huì)出現(xiàn)時(shí)得分。)
  • 2、The drilling line is reeled over the crown block and traveling block to gain mechanical advantage in a "block and tackle" or "pulley" fashion.(鉆井用鋼絲繩通過(guò)天車(chē)和游動(dòng)滑車(chē)以滑輪組的形式獲得機(jī)械上效益。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 3、I finally hoisted him up with ablock and tackle.(我最終用滑輪組把他拉了上去。)
  • 4、When opening, carrying or installing it, please useblock and tackle, chain block, fork lift truck or other assistant devices.(在開(kāi)箱·搬運(yùn)·安裝時(shí),請(qǐng)使用吊滑輪,起重機(jī),叉式升運(yùn)機(jī)等輔助設(shè)備。)
  • 5、The problem about mechanical efficiency of tackle-block is the key point in junior high school mechanics and also the difficult point.(滑輪組機(jī)械效率問(wèn)題是初中力學(xué)中的重點(diǎn),也是初中力學(xué)解題的難點(diǎn)。)

block and tackle基本釋義

block and tackle

英 [bl?k ?nd ?t?kl] 美 [blɑk ?nd ?t?k?l] 
