
body count造句

body count造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:47


body count造句

  • 1、The ministry runs the high-speed rail line that suffered a crash on July 23rd that killed dozens, if not hundreds, of passengers (thebody count is still unclear).(鐵道部治下的高速鐵路正被七月二十三號(hào)的列車相撞事故推到風(fēng)口浪尖。如果沒有上百名人的遇難,那么傷亡乘客人數(shù)就是數(shù)十人(死亡人數(shù)至今仍然不確定)。)
  • 2、I'm also the Student Body Vice President for Finance, and even though none of you first years voted for me, I hope that I can count on your support in the upcoming year.(雖然去年選舉時(shí)你們作為今年新入學(xué)的同學(xué)誰都沒有投票給我,但我希望在新的一年里可以得到你們的支持。)
  • 3、Yet Iraqbody count monitors identified more than 1, 200 civilians who died during the fighting.(但其實(shí)伊拉克尸體清點(diǎn)處證實(shí)了有超過1,200名平民在戰(zhàn)斗期間喪生。)
  • 4、Mr Cook cautions that thebody count would have to rise very sharply indeed to affect the mid-term congressional elections next year.(Cook先生提醒道:死亡人數(shù)必須迅速上升才會(huì)影響到明年中期的議會(huì)選舉。)
  • 5、According to the paper’s own “executionometer”, a dailybody count of victims of organised crime, violence is falling in some of the most dangerous states.(根據(jù)此日?qǐng)?bào)自己的“死亡計(jì)算器”------計(jì)算每日組織性犯罪受害者死亡人數(shù),在一些治安較差的州,犯罪數(shù)量有所下降。)
  • 6、As thebody count rises, the group must put their differences aside and fight for survival.(隨著尸體數(shù)量的增加,該集團(tuán)必須把他們的分歧放在一邊,為生存而戰(zhàn)。)
  • 7、The leak does, however, provide another source of data on civilian casualties in Iraq (until now, most newspapers have relied on Iraqbody count which tends to give higher numbers).(然而,泄密的東西確實(shí)提供了另外一種有關(guān)伊拉克平民傷亡人數(shù)的數(shù)據(jù)來源(此前,大多數(shù)報(bào)紙依賴的數(shù)據(jù)都是伊拉克死亡調(diào)查組織提供的,該組織傾向于提供較高的數(shù)字)。)
  • 8、Don't count on your clothes to keep the sun's radiation off your body.(不要期待你的衣服能夠讓你的皮膚逃脫太陽光的輻射。)
  • 9、He took a quickbody count. Eleven down in the formation approaching his position.(他迅速清點(diǎn)尸體。十一只倒在他這個(gè)方向的編隊(duì)里。)
  • 10、No container element groups any headers with the content for which they serve as titles, unless you count the body element that wraps the h1 header and the rest of the Web page's displayable content.(容器元素不會(huì)把任何作為標(biāo)題的題頭與其內(nèi)容組合在一起,除非讓body元素把h1header題頭與Web頁面其余可顯示的內(nèi)容封裝在一起。)
  • 11、Loyalist paramilitaries, still armed to the teeth, may seek to even up the body-count. Trust between old antagonists, on which power-sharing rests, is fragile.(國(guó)會(huì)的忠實(shí)者們,仍舊全副武裝,司機(jī)去算清這筆血債,昔日敵手之間對(duì)于權(quán)利分享的信任十分脆弱。)
  • 12、That sleight of hand seems ingenious. You can let your body think it's getting the sweets and fats it craves while keeping the calorie count to a minimum.(這種減肥策略看起來很棒,既能夠讓自己的身體認(rèn)為在吸收糖分和脂肪,同時(shí)又把卡路里降到最低水平。)
  • 13、The greater proportion of body fat a man had, the higher his white blood cell count was.(一個(gè)有較多脂肪的人,他的白血球數(shù)量也較高。)
  • 14、It turned out yet another grimbody count.(其結(jié)果又是一個(gè)可怕的死亡人數(shù)統(tǒng)計(jì)。)
  • 15、And don't say that the Meng wife is there how to count, this place peony and snow Niang and that short fat male Ci turn over a body since departure altitude nag, slowly go toward a Fang park but go.(且不說孟孺人那里如何算計(jì),這邊牡丹和雪娘與那矮胖漢子辭別后,翻身上馬,慢吞吞地往芳園而去。) hAo86.com
  • 16、As thebody count rises around him and his family questions his sanity, he'll have to fight back against a deadly force that knows no bounds.(種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。隨著尸體數(shù)量的增加,他的理智受到拷問,他不得不向那致命力量發(fā)起反擊。)
  • 17、Many Iraqis feel the same way, but thebody count from Shiites and Sunnis killing each other tells a different story. Families on both sides have been devastated.(許多伊拉克人同樣是這樣認(rèn)為,但從兩個(gè)派別互相殘殺的人數(shù)上看,卻不是說的那樣。兩個(gè)宗派的家庭都被摧毀。)
  • 18、The lone dissenter was the NZD/USD which saw fresh 0.7435 lows as thebody count from yesterday's earthquake grew.(因?yàn)樽蛱彀l(fā)生的地震造成的死亡人數(shù)增加,該貨幣對(duì)在0.7435創(chuàng)下新低。)
  • 19、Scream 4 offers little more than a group of familiar characters wandering around a horror movie setting and uttering self-referential one-liners as thebody count mounts.(尖叫4提供了略多于一群熟悉的角色四處游蕩,然后設(shè)置一個(gè)恐怖電影過于私人化了短短的笑話身體計(jì)數(shù)坐騎。)
  • 20、This camp believes that the body needs roughly two liters of water a day to replace what it loses and that other beverages, particularly caffeinated ones, don't count.(這個(gè)陣營(yíng)認(rèn)為,人體每天需要大約兩升水來補(bǔ)充其流失的水份,其它飲料,尤其是咖啡因飲料,都不算在內(nèi)。)
  • 21、Take on a true test of your skill and face the mighty challenge of the all-newbody count mode.(就以您的技能的真正考驗(yàn),面臨著全新的挑戰(zhàn),機(jī)構(gòu)強(qiáng)大的計(jì)數(shù)模式。)
  • 22、Okay, caffeine doesn’t really count as a dietary supplement…but so many of us consume it daily in such large quantities that it is worth discussing its effects the body.(當(dāng)然,從嚴(yán)格意義上來講,咖啡因并不是一種膳食補(bǔ)充劑...我們中的大多數(shù)人日常生活中都服用大量的咖啡因,因此,討論咖啡因?qū)τ谌梭w的副作用是十分必要的。)
  • 23、There is growing evidence that the strength of a person's immune system is affected by his mental state, too: a healthy mind really does count, especially in an unhealthy body.(還有進(jìn)一步證據(jù)顯示,精神狀態(tài)會(huì)影響一個(gè)人的免疫系統(tǒng):心理健康十分重要,特別身體不健康的人。)

body count基本釋義