
body building造句

body building造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:56:46


body building造句

  • 1、Because air compressor to run around in the air, vibration waves to the humanbody building, has certain influence on oil, use of air filters make air bath vibration control effectively.(由于空壓機運行中使周圍空氣產(chǎn)生振動波,對人體、建筑物有一定影響,使用油浴式空氣過濾器使空氣振動得到有效控制。)
  • 2、But already begin to have adapted to this body-building training slowly compared with front day.(但是與前一天相比,已經(jīng)開始慢慢適應這種健身訓練了。)
  • 3、People are now attaching greater importance to quality of life, with travel, body-building and beauty treatment becoming an indispensable part of their concerns.(人們越來越看重生活品質,旅游、健身、美容等休閑活動已成為人們生活中不可缺少的部分。)
  • 4、It's more effective inbody building.(這對健美更有效果。)
  • 5、Serialbody building apparatus.(系列健美運動器械。)
  • 6、My parents have joined a body-building club.(我父母參加了一個健身俱樂部。)
  • 7、body building is when people lift weights, to make their body stronger.(健美就是人們通過舉重來鍛煉身體。)
  • 8、Recently the second worldbody building, fitness and model’s figures championship was held in Aktobe, Kazakhstan.(近日,第二屆世界健美、健康與規(guī)范動作冠軍賽在哈薩克斯坦城市阿克托別(Aktobe)成功舉辦。)
  • 9、Almost all of an organism's energy can be diverted to reproduction, with very little allocated to building the body.(一個有機體幾乎所有的能量都會用于繁殖,而用于建造主體的很少。)
  • 10、Under such background, this thesis chooses outdoor body-building facilities design for the urban elderly as the study object.(本論文把城市老年人室外健身設施設計作為研究課題,就是在這種背景下進行的。)
  • 11、Track and field sports have dual features of competition andbody building.(田徑運動具有競技性和健身性雙重屬性。)
  • 12、It is pointed out: we are lack of thebody building organization management, and human resources of thebody building need to be integrated, the location of hardware is not reasonable.(指出居民生活小區(qū)體育健身管理的難點:體育健身行業(yè)管理組織缺位,體育健身人力資源缺乏整合,場地設施布局使用不夠合理。)
  • 13、At the other extreme are "competitors", almost all of whose resources are invested in building a huge body, with a bare minimum allocated to reproduction.(另一個極端是“競爭者”,他們幾乎把所有的資源都投入到建立一個龐大的身體上,而只把最少的資源分配到繁殖上。)
  • 14、I hate these girly sports like gymnastics, swimming,body building, tennis and table tennis.(我討厭像體操,游泳,健美,網(wǎng)球和乒乓球這些女孩子的運動。)
  • 15、Training students' rhythmic ability is a main task for the teachers to teachbody building.(培養(yǎng)學生的節(jié)奏能力是健美操教學的一個重要任務。)
  • 16、The aim is to push forward the teaching and research ofbody building in college students' PE class and carry out the pattern more efficiently.(旨在促進和推動高校健身教育體系的深入研究和有效實施。)
  • 17、Here an Afghan man passes the bilboard for a body-building centre in Kabul.(圖上為一名阿富汗人經(jīng)過喀布爾的一個健身中心的告示牌。) haO86.com
  • 18、Though I lost weight by doingbody building, I used to do three out of four sets with light weights, the fourth set was extra heavy just to make me feel good (see point below).(雖然我是通過健身法來減肥的,但我曾做四組力量訓練,前三組的重量輕,第四組要重——這只不過是讓自己感覺幫一些罷了(見下一條)。)
  • 19、Starting frombody building education, the paper made an analysis and study of the results achieved in body huilding teaching practice.(從體育健身教育觀點出發(fā),對大學體育健身課教學模式研究的實踐效果作一分析與探討。)
  • 20、For men, you can try some body-building.(對于男人,你可以試試健美。)
  • 21、In our university, there are many body-building lovers, plenty of facilities and rich teachers, which have had the requiremants of setting up gym clubs.(聊城大學擁有眾多的健身愛好者、充足的場地設施和雄厚的師資力量,已具備了建立健身俱樂部的條件和要求。)
  • 22、The movement prescription software worked out, can offer a convenient using tools for instructing the broad masses how to carry on the sciencebody building.(編制出的運動處方軟件,可為指導廣大群眾進行科學健身運動提供一個便利的使用工具。)
  • 23、Physical training of university is an important part of nationalbody building in our country.(大學社區(qū)體育是我國全民健身運動的重要組成部分。)
  • 24、This shows body-building has become an indispensable part of many people's life.(這說明健身已經(jīng)成為很多人生活中不可缺少的一部分。)
  • 25、AIM: to observe the effects of aerobicbody building exercise for 18 weeks in 37 mid-aged and old women, and provides scientific basis for those women to choose effectivebody building exercise.(目的:觀察37名中老年婦女參加18周有氧健身操鍛煉后對其體質的影響,為中老年婦女選擇有效的健身運動提供科學依據(jù)。)

body building基本釋義

body building

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