
body language造句

body language造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:56:46


body language造句

  • 1、body language always works perfectly well for him.(因為他很擅長使用肢體語言。)
  • 2、Yourbody language is important,too.(你的肢體語言也很重要。)
  • 3、THEbody language said it all.(肢體語言總是能說明一切。)
  • 4、Next time you chat with a friend, take note of hisbody language for it might show whether he's interested in your words or not.(下次和朋友聊天時,注意看他的的肢體語言,因為這可以看出他對你的話是否感興趣。)
  • 5、body language can give away a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.(肢體語言可以透露你很多的情緒信息,所以雙臂交叉站立表明你在自我保護。)
  • 6、Find out with ourbody language analysis below.(下面就讓我們通過他們的身體語言來進行分析。)
  • 7、I can tell by yourbody language that you're happy with the decision.(我能從你的身體語言看出來你對這個決定感到滿意。)
  • 8、Be aware ofbody language.(注意身體語言。)
  • 9、body language, especially gestures, varies among cultures.(肢體語言,尤其是手勢,在不同文化中不盡相同。)
  • 10、Learn about the countrybody language.(懂得外國的身體動作語言。)
  • 11、Watch thebody language.(觀察肢體語言。)
  • 12、Badbody language.(糟糕的肢體語言。)
  • 13、Usebody language to show you're listening.(使用肢體語言表示你在傾聽。)
  • 14、Using Insecure, Approval-Seekingbody language.(使用不自信、征詢許可的身體語言)
  • 15、People have always communicated withbody language.(人們經(jīng)常通過肢體語言來交流。)
  • 16、Change yourbody language.(改變你的肢體語言。)
  • 17、Another scientist wrote about the changes that mobiles have brought tobody language.(另一位科學(xué)家寫了手機給肢體語言帶來的變化。)
  • 18、An interviewer's "body language" and questions, and the form of an interview are not the same around the world.(面試官的“肢體語言”和問題,以及面試的形式在世界各地是不一樣的。)
  • 19、Yourbody language is telling customers to go away.(而你的肢體語言則在告訴客戶離你遠點。)
  • 20、body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex.(肢體語言也可以被用來吸引異性。)
  • 21、Guests should also watch theirbody language.(來賓還需要注意自己的肢體語言。)
  • 22、Check to see that yourbody language is open.(確保你的肢體語言自然順暢。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 23、A kind ofbody language that is acceptable in one culture may be impolite in another.(在一種文化中可以接受的一種肢體語言在另一種文化中可能是不禮貌的。)
  • 24、These can be verbal cues or evenbody language.(這些可以是語言暗示,甚至是肢體語言。)
  • 25、Pay attention to yourbody language.(留心你的肢體語言。)
  • 26、This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions andbody language in its interactions.(這個會說話的機器人伴侶的眼睛里有攝像頭,它可以監(jiān)視病人,并在互動過程中使用恰當?shù)拿娌勘砬楹椭w語言。)
  • 27、Mirror thebody language of the interviewer.(在面試中模仿面試官的身體語言。)
  • 28、To her it meant moving confidently around the court room, using convincingbody language and projecting her voice so it could be heard from the judge's bench to the back door.(對她來說,這意味著自信地在法庭上走動,使用令人信服的肢體語言,并展現(xiàn)她的聲音,這樣從法官席到后門都能聽到她的聲音。)
  • 29、Make sure you have confidentbody language.(確保你具有自信的肢體語言。)

body language基本釋義

body language

英 [?b?di ?l??ɡwid?] 美 [?bɑdi ?l??ɡw?d?] 

