
body and soul造句

body and soul造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:47


body and soul造句

  • 1、I'll go to hell,body and soul, before I look sideways after you again.(我寧可連身體帶靈魂都下地獄,也不再看你一眼。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 2、Either travel or read,body and soul, there must be a in the road.(要么旅行,要么讀書,身體和靈魂,必須有一個(gè)在路上。)
  • 3、She threw herselfbody and soul into her work.(她全身心地投入她的工作。)
  • 4、She works in the medical and health industrybody and soul, saving thousands of lives.(她全身心投入醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生產(chǎn)業(yè)中,挽救了成千上萬人的生命。)
  • 5、It consumes you,body and soul.(它消耗你的身體和精力。)
  • 6、She committed herselfbody and soul to fighting for the cause.(她全心全意為這一事業(yè)而奮斗。)
  • 7、Laughter is great for you -body and soul.(笑聲對(duì)你的身體和靈魂都大有裨益。)
  • 8、Thus he grew inbody and soul.(這樣他在身心兩方面都成長起來。)
  • 9、Sports, reading a book.body and soul, do not live up to.(運(yùn)動(dòng),讀書。身體和靈魂,都不可辜負(fù)。)
  • 10、I just want to make enough money to keepbody and soul apart.(我只想賺夠錢以使身心相離。)
  • 11、Thebody and soul will be reunited at the resurrection.(身體和靈魂在復(fù)活時(shí)會(huì)被重新結(jié)合在一起。)
  • 12、You will love the scent and feel of it, love itbody and soul.(你一定會(huì)喜歡它的氣味和那種感覺,并且喜歡它的身體和靈魂。)
  • 13、Let them sink into yourbody and soul.(讓它們滲透到你的身體與靈魂之中。)
  • 14、To me you seem like a giant, both inbody and soul.(在我看來,無論從身體上還是從精神上你都是一個(gè)巨人。)
  • 15、body and soul. One dwells in lonely places.(身體與靈魂。有一個(gè)人,住在孤獨(dú)的地方。)
  • 16、I cannot emphasize how amazingbody and soul is.(我簡直無法形容魂體合一有多逆天。)
  • 17、body and soul get strengthened in that place and life seems worth living again.(身體和靈魂在那里得到了升華,讓人覺得生活依然值得。)
  • 18、Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind,body and soul.(這些簡單的快樂對(duì)于你的大腦、身體和四項(xiàng)都會(huì)有好處的。)
  • 19、The winner is who gives himself to his work,body and soul.(成功者是全身心投入工作的人。)
  • 20、Not only is traveling fun, it nurtures thebody and soul.(旅游不但充滿樂趣,而且還對(duì)身心很有益。)
  • 21、We have to take care of our own mind,body and soul.(我們要照顧自己的頭腦,身體和靈魂。)
  • 22、She hardly eats enough to keepbody and soul together.(她沒有足夠的食物來維持生命。)
  • 23、They barely have enough money to keepbody and soul together.(他們僅有活命的錢。)

body and soul基本釋義

body and soul

英 [?b?di ?nd s?ul] 美 [?bɑdi ?nd sol] 
全心全意地; 完完全全地