bit by bit造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:57:03


bit by bit造句

  • 1、The work was never finished andbit by bit the building fell apart.(這項(xiàng)工程從來(lái)沒(méi)有完工,該建筑一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地坍塌了。)
  • 2、He assembled the model aircraftbit by bit.(他把飛機(jī)模型一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地組裝起來(lái)。)
  • 3、bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's.(他漸漸地做了必要的改變,使他的語(yǔ)言變得像其他人的一樣。)
  • 4、His father began to lose his memorybit by bit, becoming increasingly forgetful.(他父親的記憶力開始一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)衰退,變得越來(lái)越健忘。)
  • 5、bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.(鮑勃一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地說(shuō)服弗里茨賣掉自己的控股權(quán)。)
  • 6、Watson isn't strong AI, but if strong AI happens, it will arrive gradually,bit by bit, and this will have been one of the bits.(沃森并不擁有強(qiáng)人工智能,但強(qiáng)人工智能也是從一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)逐步累積的,而沃森正是這樣的某一點(diǎn)。)
  • 7、This report is solidly positive for the economy:bit by bit the pieces of recovery are falling into place.(這份報(bào)告對(duì)于經(jīng)濟(jì)來(lái)說(shuō)是一個(gè)非常積極的利好消息:恢復(fù)正在穩(wěn)定進(jìn)行中。)
  • 8、Then,bit by bit, his back uncurls and straightens until all of a sudden there is he, upright, truly a man.(然后,他的背部一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地舒展和拉直,直到突然他變成一個(gè)真正的直立的男人。)
  • 9、The SAT suffered from damaging news stories as details of the errors came outbit by bit.(隨著有關(guān)出錯(cuò)詳情的逐漸泄漏,SAT更不斷遭受各種新聞報(bào)道的詆毀。)
  • 10、The materials have been gatheredbit by bit.(材料是一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)收集起來(lái)的。)
  • 11、You are making progress everyday,bit by bit, but you just cannot see it or feel it.(你每天都在進(jìn)步,一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地,只是你沒(méi)有看到或沒(méi)有感覺(jué)到。)
  • 12、bit by bit memories of the night came back to me.(我漸漸回憶起了那晚的點(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴。)
  • 13、He was winning the power strugglebit by bit.(他一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)的爭(zhēng)得了他的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力量。)
  • 14、The expectation is that the group will be broken up and sold,bit by bit.(預(yù)計(jì)集團(tuán)將被一塊一塊拆分出售。)
  • 15、bit by bit, his back uncurls and straightens until all of a sudden there is he, upright, truly a man.(他的背部一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地舒展和拉直,直到突然他直立起來(lái),成了真正的男人。)
  • 16、bit by bit, we have pieced together incredible vistas of creation.(一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地,我們拼湊出了令人難以置信的創(chuàng)造圖景。)
  • 17、Yetbit by bit the main chapters of the financial rule-book are being written.(不過(guò)積少成多,金融規(guī)則的主要篇章正在成形。)
  • 18、Everyone has a soft heart where the record of the pastbit by bit.(每個(gè)人心底都有一個(gè)柔軟的所在,記錄著過(guò)往的點(diǎn)滴。)
  • 19、Savingbit by bit, she and her husband bought land, a pickup truck, a car, and a proper house for the family.(通過(guò)一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)的積蓄,她和她的丈夫?yàn)榧彝ベ?gòu)買了土地、一輛小貨車、一輛小汽車、以及一座體面的房子。)
  • 20、bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do.(漸漸地,我開始明白了他們正在努力做什么。)
  • 21、SERBIA, comments one eurocrat dryly, is being defrostedbit by bit.(一位歐盟官員淡淡地評(píng)論道,塞爾維亞,正在一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)地解凍。)
  • 22、Also do itbit by bit from life.(還要從生活的一點(diǎn)一滴做起來(lái)。)
  • 23、Then physicists can refine the modelbit by bit, according to how given physical systems are known to behave.(看,這是物理學(xué)中的一種標(biāo)準(zhǔn)方式——首先通過(guò)一些計(jì)算來(lái)近似地得到粗略的結(jié)果,然后物理學(xué)家再根據(jù)給出的物理系統(tǒng)的行為方式來(lái)逐步完善這個(gè)模型。)
  • 24、After all, the 10 year Treasury yield keeps droppingbit by bit and is 3.11% today.(畢竟,10年期公債利率逐步下滑,現(xiàn)今為3.11%。)
  • 25、Don't worry about it - just do itbit by bit.(對(duì)此不必?fù)?dān)心,只管去做,一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)來(lái)。)
  • 26、Flat fees will become more affordablebit by bit.(費(fèi)率逐漸變得更加低廉。)
  • 27、You earn the right, over time,bit by bit.(你必須通過(guò)長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的努力,一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)的贏得這樣的殊榮。)
  • 28、We'll do itbit by bit.(我們會(huì)一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地做。) [hao86.com好工具]

bit by bit基本釋義

bit by bit

英 [bit bai bit] 美 [b?t ba? b?t] 
一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)地; 漸漸地