
break away from造句

break away from造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:24


break away from造句

  • 1、When a car slides, it can cause little bits or rubber (' grains') tobreak away from the tyre's grooves.(當(dāng)賽車側(cè)滑時(shí),會導(dǎo)致輪胎溝槽里少量橡膠顆粒被從溝槽中甩出。)
  • 2、To free electrons, something has to make them whirl fast enough tobreak away from their nuclei.(為了釋放電子,必須使電子高速旋轉(zhuǎn)而足以擺脫它們的原子核。)
  • 3、This article presents 10 new habits that can help youbreak away from many of the most common usage errors.(本文介紹了10個(gè)新習(xí)慣,它們可以幫助您擺脫許多最常見的使用錯(cuò)誤。)
  • 4、We will neverbreak away from the worldly shackles.(我們永遠(yuǎn)都無法擺脫世俗的束縛。)
  • 5、Creative thinking is a conscious effort tobreak away from old thought patterns in order explore new possibilities.(創(chuàng)造性思維是為了探索新的可能性而擺脫舊的思維模式的有意識努力。)
  • 6、Take a lunchbreak away from your desk.(離開辦公桌好好吃頓午飯。)
  • 7、Be brave enough tobreak away from the crowd and make room for what really matters in your life.(勇敢的走出人群,把時(shí)間留給生命中真正重要的東西。)
  • 8、He tried tobreak away from me.(他想以及我不相聞問。)
  • 9、One of the things I love about travel is the chance tobreak away from daily routines and form some new ones.(旅途中我喜愛的一點(diǎn)就是我有機(jī)會可以打破常規(guī)生活,形成一些新的生活習(xí)慣。)
  • 10、So this class is about training kids tobreak away from the pack, to be the person who defies conformity and does the right thing.(因此,這個(gè)課程是在教孩子們打破陳規(guī),勇于做一個(gè)不唯命是從,做正確事情的人。)
  • 11、We just want tobreak away from this town.(我們只想逃離這個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)。)
  • 12、You mustbreak away from such a bad habit.(你必須改掉這樣的壞習(xí)慣。)
  • 13、The challenge for all of us, of course, is paying enough attention to know when it makes sense tobreak away from the herd.(當(dāng)然,對于我們最大的挑戰(zhàn)就是要時(shí)刻保持清醒的頭腦,懂得何時(shí)要與隨大流的人群分道揚(yáng)鑣。)
  • 14、break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your life.(遠(yuǎn)離阻礙你實(shí)現(xiàn)生命里所希望完成的目標(biāo)的一切事情。)
  • 15、The company wants tobreak away from its downmarket image.(這個(gè)公司想擺脫它面向低消費(fèi)階層的形象。)
  • 16、What can we do to help thembreak away from the difficult position?(我們能做什么來幫助他們擺脫困境呢?)
  • 17、You have no choice but tobreak away from the illegal organization.(除了擺脫那個(gè)非法組織,你別無選擇。)
  • 18、You have tobreak away from conventional patterns, such as ACID and distributed transactions.(你必須打破常規(guī)模式,比如ACID和分布式事務(wù)。)
  • 19、I shouldbreak away from such habits.(我應(yīng)改掉這種習(xí)慣。)
  • 20、Departments won't be able tobreak away from the pack to follow their own designs, for example.(例如,部門不能脫離遵循自己的設(shè)計(jì)這個(gè)圈子。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 21、You neverbreak away from it and it becomes the rest of your life.(有的事,你永遠(yuǎn)不能從中抽脫,慢慢它就變成了你剩下的生命。)
  • 22、On a practical note, try to find time to take a realbreak away from your work.(有一個(gè)實(shí)際的解決方法就是找時(shí)間遠(yuǎn)離你的工作,休息一下。)
  • 23、Will we be able tobreak away from this vicious circle?(我們能夠脫離這個(gè)這個(gè)惡性循環(huán)嗎?)
  • 24、That which was hidden is being revealed, and it is helping youbreak away from conditioning that has kept you in bondage.(那些曾經(jīng)隱藏的正在被揭示,這在幫助著你們脫離那一直束縛你們的所有條件。)
  • 25、It was clear that the elephants could, at any time,break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.(很明顯,大象在任何時(shí)候都可以掙脫繩索,但出于某種原因,它們沒有這樣做。)
  • 26、Yet, some of them are finding it hard tobreak away from the world of the microblog and connect in the real world.(然而,他們中的一些人發(fā)現(xiàn)很難擺脫微博世界,很難與現(xiàn)實(shí)世界聯(lián)系。)

break away from基本釋義

break away from

脫離; 離開; 背棄; 與 ... 脫離關(guān)系