break in造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:23


break in造句

  • 1、And if you keep your curtains closed, burglars are less likely to try andbreak in because they can't be sure whether someone's home or not.(如果你把窗簾拉上,竊賊就不太可能試圖破門(mén)而入,因?yàn)樗麄儫o(wú)法確定是否有人在家。)
  • 2、It was her secondbreak in the set.(這是本盤(pán)比賽中她第二次接發(fā)球得分。)
  • 3、She longed tobreak in on their conversation but didn't want to appear rude.(她很想打斷他們的談話(huà),但又不愿顯得粗魯。)
  • 4、OK, I’ve got a smallbreak in my trip.(好,我終于在行程中能休息一小會(huì)兒了。)
  • 5、We needed thebreak in order to recharge.(我們需要休息一下以恢復(fù)體力。)
  • 6、Nothing that might lead to abreak in the deadlock has been discussed yet.(任何可能促成僵局破除的舉措尚未被討論。)
  • 7、One morning while Officer Vogel was on his coffeebreak in a restaurant, a man ran in a yelled.(一天早上,沃格爾警官正在一家餐館喝咖啡休息,一名男子沖他大喊。)
  • 8、But she has to make the prisonbreak in her own car.(但是她必須開(kāi)著自己的車(chē)越獄。)
  • 9、They've been working hard tobreak in.(他們一直在努力打入市場(chǎng)。)
  • 10、We had a weekendbreak in New York.(我們?cè)诩~約度過(guò)了一個(gè)周末假日。)
  • 11、They are currently taking a shortbreak in Spain.(他們目前在西班牙休短假。)
  • 12、I will say thou didstbreak in and wrest the prisoner from my hands by force.(我會(huì)說(shuō),你是強(qiáng)行闖進(jìn)來(lái),用武力從我手里把犯人搶走的。)
  • 13、Because of the great weight pressing down on them, these layers tend to fold downward at weak spots, and this finally causes an actualbreak in the crust.(由于巨大的重量向下壓巖層,使它趨于在它的薄弱處向下折疊,這最終導(dǎo)致地殼的實(shí)質(zhì)斷裂。)
  • 14、We could see the moon through abreak in the clouds.(我們能從云縫里看到月亮。)
  • 15、Das was born into poverty, but he got onebreak in life.(達(dá)斯出身貧寒,但卻打破了自己的宿命。)
  • 16、She wanted to take a careerbreak in order to have children.(她想暫時(shí)放下工作,去生孩子。)
  • 17、Anyone canbreak in a house and steal things, but picking somebody's pocket takes skill.(任何人都可以闖進(jìn)房子偷東西,但要想從別人口袋里偷錢(qián)卻需要技巧。)
  • 18、We arrived home early and surprised a burglar trying tobreak in.(我們回家早,無(wú)意中發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)竊賊正要入室行竊。)
  • 19、In each case it is difficult for an upstart tobreak in.(對(duì)于暴發(fā)戶(hù)來(lái)說(shuō),想進(jìn)入到以上任一行業(yè)都是相當(dāng)困難的。)
  • 20、There had been abreak in the Musa case.(穆薩案有了突破。)
  • 21、How did you get your firstbreak in the business?(在業(yè)務(wù)上,您是如何獲得您的第一個(gè)突破的?)
  • 22、They meet each other during abreak in the coffee room.(他們?cè)谛菹⒅械目Х葟d遇見(jiàn)。)
  • 23、They are taking a shortbreak in London.(他們目前正在倫敦休短假。)
  • 24、Thisbreak in Earth's history is marked by a mass extinction, when as many as half the species on the planet became extinct.(地球歷史上的這次重大災(zāi)難以物種的大量消亡為標(biāo)志;當(dāng)時(shí),地球上多達(dá)一半的物種都滅絕了。)
  • 25、Carmakers will also get abreak in Sweden.(瑞典的汽車(chē)生產(chǎn)商也能時(shí)來(lái)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 26、The X-ray showed there was nobreak in his leg.(X光照片顯示他的腿沒(méi)有骨折。)
  • 27、They were battering the door, they were trying tobreak in.(他們連續(xù)擊門(mén),試圖破門(mén)而入。)
  • 28、break in the sun till the sun breaks down.(在陽(yáng)光里墜地直到太陽(yáng)墜落下去。)

break in基本釋義

break in

英 [breik in] 美 [brek ?n] 
闖入; 打斷; 使馴服; 訓(xùn)練成為