
break the ice造句

break the ice造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:56:22


break the ice造句

  • 1、I hate going to parties. I never know how tobreak the ice and start conversations with people.(我討厭參加聚會。我從來就不善于打破沉默與別人展開談話。)
  • 2、He told an interesting story tobreak the ice.(他打破沉默,講了一個有趣的故事。)
  • 3、We need someone tobreak the ice.(我們需要有人打破這種僵局。)
  • 4、We all want to talk on this subject, but no one is willing tobreak the ice.(我們大家都想談談這個問題,可誰也不愿意帶頭發(fā)言。)
  • 5、Bus Stops:break the ice always with a smile.(公共汽車站:總是打破僵局,微笑。)
  • 6、If we can'tbreak the ice.(如果我們無法打破這沉默。)
  • 7、But you put a bunch of young kids together and the noise tells you theybreak the ice in five minutes.(但是,要是一群孩子在一起,只要五分鐘他們就很融洽了,從他們的吵鬧聲中你就可以知道這一點。)
  • 8、To become an effective communicator, first thing you need to do is to learn tobreak the ice.(實現(xiàn)有效溝通,你首先要做的就是打破沉默。)
  • 9、In order tobreak the ice the interviewer may ask some trivial questions about the weather or traffic.(一般在面試開頭為了活躍氣氛,面試官都會問一些不重要的問題,比如天氣啦、怎么來的啦。)
  • 10、Instead of having tobreak the ice with someone, assume there is no ice.(與其不得不打破沉默,不如假設那根本不存在沉默。)
  • 11、Thee host told a joke to his guest tobreak the ice.(主人為了打破僵局,給客人講了個笑話。)
  • 12、It is so easy for children tobreak the ice in several minutes.(對于孩子來說,在幾分鐘之內(nèi)打得火熱并不是一件難事。)
  • 13、I'll give a prize to the best idea. Talking of good ideas, here's one tobreak the ice at a wedding reception.(我將獎勵最佳主意。說起好主意,這里就有一個,能活躍婚禮氣氛。)
  • 14、Complimenting someone on their garment is also a great way tobreak the ice.(贊美別人的衣服也是打破沉默的好辦法。)
  • 15、Tobreak the ice Ted spoke of his interest in mountain climbing, and they soon had a conversation going.(為了打破沉默,泰德說自己對爬山有興趣,這樣他們很快就交談起來。) hao86.com
  • 16、What we have to do now is tobreak the ice .(我們的當務之急是打開僵局。)
  • 17、Time your coffee break along with your employees' coffee break. That helpsbreak the ice.(調(diào)整你的喝咖啡休息時間,和員工們一起喝咖啡吧,這有助于拉近彼此的距離。)
  • 18、We British can be a bit reserved or formal so it's good if someone canbreak the ice.(我們英國人有點矜持和拘謹,有人出來搞搞氣氛是件好事。)
  • 19、I never know how tobreak the ice and start conversations.(我不知道如何打破沉默開始談話。)
  • 20、I usuallybreak the ice in awkward social situations by telling an amusing anecdote.(在尷尬的社交場合中,我通常先講些趣聞軼事打破僵局。)
  • 21、Once youbreak the ice, continue with your normal tone and speak few words about relevant matter.(一旦你開啟了話題,接下來就用你正常的語調(diào)將一些相關的事情。)
  • 22、A few drinks will help tobreak the ice at the party.(宴會上喝幾杯酒,會有助于人們打開話匣子。)
  • 23、The host told a joke to his guest tobreak the ice.(主人為了攻破僵局,給客人講了個笑話。)
  • 24、This will helpbreak the ice and chances are no one else is going to do it.(這會打破堅冰,而且可能別人都不會那么做。)

break the ice基本釋義

break the ice

英 [breik e? ais] 美 [brek ei a?s] 
打破沉默; 著手做 ... 事