
break through造句

break through造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:56:21


break through造句

  • 1、Its perfume-like packaging shouldbreak through the crowded product assortments that can often confound shoppers.(它那類似香水瓶的包裝突破了眾多產品的分類常規(guī),以至于常常讓消費者混淆。)
  • 2、People's yearning for, or intuition of, some ultimate meaning continues tobreak through in many different ways.(人們渴望或者說憑直覺,認為有某種通過許多不同方式持續(xù)突破這一框架的終極意蘊。)
  • 3、Tobreak through, Apple will have to strike landmark deals with media companies.(為了取得突破,蘋果必須與媒體公司達成具有里程碑意義的交易。)
  • 4、It takes some time tobreak through the surface.(沖破表面,需要一點時間。)
  • 5、It’s a no-brainer. But that makes it hard for new games tobreak through.(這種做法確實不需要花什么腦力,但是卻會使新的游戲很難打入市場。)
  • 6、So grow, and grow, and grow until youbreak through a barrier.(因此,成長吧,成長吧,成長吧,直到你突破一個瓶頸。)
  • 7、She's about tobreak through a brick wall to enlarge her children's section "for my customers of the future."(她準備打掉一面墻擴大兒童讀物區(qū)“為了我未來的顧客。”)
  • 8、"It's anyone's guess as to when we willbreak through," he said.(“關于我們將在何時實現(xiàn)突破,這是任何人猜測的問題”他說。)
  • 9、Protesters tried tobreak through a police cordon.(抗議者們試圖沖破警察的封鎖線。)
  • 10、What if someone exploits some unknown limitations of the security mechanism tobreak through?(如果有人利用安全機制的某些未知的限制破解了它,那么會怎么樣?)
  • 11、For ammunition tobreak through, artillery shells need to be hardened by adding certain minerals to the steel.(為了讓炮彈能夠打穿,彈殼的鋼里需要加入一定的礦物質來增加硬度。)
  • 12、KF: How do youbreak through cravings for unhealthy food, because they really do have a hold on most of us.(KF:你怎樣突破對不健康食物的渴望?因為這些食物確實對我們大多數(shù)人有著控制力。) Hao86.com
  • 13、All three of those strategies will take your mind to new places and willbreak through your mental block.(這三種策略將讓你的思維帶入新領域,將打破你的思維框。)
  • 14、If you have been avoiding the decision-making process, why notbreak through that barrier right here and now?(如果一直以來你總是想要避開做決策的過程,那為何不此時此刻就突破那個障礙呢?)
  • 15、He had finally managed tobreak through her reserve.(他終于設法戰(zhàn)勝了她的矜持。)
  • 16、If that happens, then it is tough to see where Hillary Clinton is going tobreak through.(如果果真如此,那么很難看到希拉里·克林頓在哪里取得突破。)
  • 17、In the physical world, for example, burglars canbreak through a locked door, but they leave evidence in doing so.(例如,在現(xiàn)實世界中,竊賊可以打破一個鎖著的門,但這樣做時,他們留下了證據(jù)。)
  • 18、In the next decade many more entrepreneurs mustbreak through the established business order.(在未來的十年,有更多的企業(yè)家必須突破既定的經營秩序。)
  • 19、New Device Helpsbreak through Autism's Psychological wall.(新型裝置問世打破自閉癥兒的心墻。)
  • 20、In fact, a gentle word has the power tobreak through anger and completely remove it.(事實上,一句溫柔的話語有力量打破憤怒并且最終化解掉。)
  • 21、We hope tobreak through soon in the fight against AIDS.(我們希望在與艾滋病作斗爭中很快有所突破。)
  • 22、Scientists think they are beginning tobreak through in the fight against cancer.(科學家認為他們在對抗癌癥的研究中開始有所突破。)
  • 23、I didn't know where to go and how to find courage tobreak through the barriers that were holding me back.(我不知道該何處何從,我也不知道該如何找到勇氣突破這種阻礙我的障礙。)
  • 24、Or do you want tobreak through the rein of the environment to pursue the freedom for success?(抑或立即在心境上掙開環(huán)境的束縛,獲得追求成功的自由?)
  • 25、If he stepped there, he mightbreak through the ice into a pool of water.(如果他踩在上面,就可能把冰面踩破然后掉到水里。)
  • 26、There is still scope for new writers tobreak through.(新作家們還有取得成功的空間。)
  • 27、He's a very talented young actor who's just ready tobreak through.(他是一名天賦很高、正待破繭而出的青年演員。)
  • 28、She tried tobreak through the national barriers that hindered the exchange of ideas among the Spanish speaking peoples of South America.(她試圖打破阻礙南美洲西班牙語民族之間思想交流的國界壁壘。)
  • 29、Hopefully, this will help youbreak through the wall on your next training run.(希望,可以幫助你打破堵在你下一次跑步訓練前的那堵墻。)

break through基本釋義

break through

英 [breik θru:] 美 [brek θru] 
突破; 突圍