bring back造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:17


bring back造句

  • 1、Then she'dbring back a prop man or whoever to her tent.(然后她會(huì)帶回來(lái)一個(gè)道具男或別的人去她的帳蓬。)
  • 2、Butbring back a story.(但是得帶報(bào)道回來(lái)。)
  • 3、It cannot ease our pain, orbring back our loved ones.(這并不能撫平我們的傷痛,或是讓我們摯愛(ài)的親人復(fù)生。)
  • 4、bring back the shower gel!(將沐浴露還回來(lái)!) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、Some ecologists and fashion enthusiasts are trying tobring back the market for fur made from nutria.(一些生態(tài)學(xué)家和時(shí)尚愛(ài)好者正試圖讓胡桃木制成的皮草重回市場(chǎng)。)
  • 6、Could youbring back some groceries after work?(你下班后可不可以買一些雜貨回來(lái)?)
  • 7、Perhaps it willbring back some good weather and a trophy?(也許,它也能帶來(lái)些“好天氣”和大力神杯吧!)
  • 8、Plan some special events thatbring back good memories.(計(jì)劃些能重拾美好回憶的活動(dòng)。)
  • 9、Theybring back cinnamon, nutmeg, and all sorts of valuables.(他們帶回來(lái)肉桂、肉豆蔻和各種貴重物品。)
  • 10、She'dbring back a prop man or whoever to her tent.(她會(huì)帶回來(lái)一個(gè)道具管理員或別的人去她的帳蓬。)
  • 11、By offering instant discounts worth as much as $ 100, DeWalt launched a trade-in program to encourage people tobring back tools.(通過(guò)提供價(jià)值高達(dá)100美元的即時(shí)折扣,DeWalt啟動(dòng)了一項(xiàng)折價(jià)回收舊設(shè)備的計(jì)劃,鼓勵(lì)人們把工具帶回來(lái)。)
  • 12、So, like the British, Shirase presented his expedition as a search for knowledge: he wouldbring back fossils, make meteorological measurements and explore unknown parts of the continent.(因此,和英國(guó)人一樣,Shirase把他的探險(xiǎn)描述為對(duì)知識(shí)的探索:他會(huì)帶回化石,進(jìn)行氣象測(cè)量,并探索未知的大陸。)
  • 13、Would you pleasebring back the book tomorrow?(請(qǐng)你明天送還這本書(shū),好嗎?)
  • 14、How can the second daughter-in-lawbring back wind in a paper?(第二個(gè)兒媳怎樣才能帶回紙里的風(fēng)?)
  • 15、They wanted tobring back local customs, including the Tongxiang flower drum opera.(他們想重振當(dāng)?shù)氐牧?xí)俗,包括桐鄉(xiāng)花鼓戲。)
  • 16、"We need tobring back some balance," Aderhold said.(“我們需要恢復(fù)一些平衡?!卑⒌禄魻柕抡f(shuō)。)
  • 17、Less compromise willbring back color and shape into your life.(更少的妥協(xié)將你的色彩和形狀帶回生活。)
  • 18、Mary slipped out to run andbring back a watering-can.(瑪麗溜出去,跑去拿回了一個(gè)水壺。)
  • 19、M: Itbring back some of my childhood memories.(這讓我想起來(lái)很多童年往事。)
  • 20、And all the longings and all the loss can'tbring back the dead.(所有的渴望,所有的損失都不可能帶回死者。)
  • 21、These picturesbring back some great memories.(這些照片帶給我一些美好的回憶。)
  • 22、A pill that couldbring back memories?(一顆能帶回記憶的藥片?)
  • 23、Control air pollution andbring back city's blue sky!(治理大氣污染,還城市一片藍(lán)天!)
  • 24、All the money in the world cannotbring back Yesterday.(世上所有的錢財(cái)已不能帶回到昨天。)
  • 25、Can musicbring back lost memories?(音樂(lè)能幫助我們找回失去的記憶嗎?)
  • 26、Andbring back food!(帶吃的東西回來(lái)!)
  • 27、The photosbring back lots of good memories.(這些照片喚起了許多美好的回憶。)

bring back基本釋義

bring back

英 [bri? b?k] 美 [br?? b?k] 
帶回來(lái); 使記起; 使恢復(fù)