1、The book is also funny, particularly in the description of some ofits male characters, whobring to mind the cartoon creations of Robert Crumb:rank, weedy, lustful.(這本書還很幽默,特別是在描述一些男性角色的時候——讓人想起羅伯特·克拉姆筆下的卡通人物:下流,無用,還色咪咪的。)
2、I am going to mobilise public opinion sufficiently to bring to the very top of the nation's conservation agenda the severely endangered species I have in mind.(我將充分調(diào)動公眾輿論,把我心目中的嚴重瀕危物種置于國家保護議程的首位。)
3、I couldn'tbring to mind the name of the hotel I'd stayed In.(我無法回想起我曾待過的旅館的名字。)
4、When you think you are lost, sit down on a log, or a rock, or lean against a tree, and recite something that you have memorized, to bring your mind to a point where it's under control.(當你覺得自己迷惘的時候,坐到一根圓木上,或者一塊石頭上,或者靠著一棵樹,背誦一些你已經(jīng)記住的東西,把你的思想帶到一個你可以控制的點上。)
5、Youbring to mind the yielding fullness of his lower lip as you kissed him on the beach.(在海灘上,你完完全全屈服在親吻他下唇的那一瞬間。)
6、The terms hedonism and eudaimonismbring to mind the great philosophical debate, which has shaped Western civilization for over 2,000 years, about the nature of the good life.(享樂主義和幸福說這兩個術(shù)語讓人想起了關(guān)于美好生活本質(zhì)的偉大哲學辯論,這個辯論塑造了2000多年的西方文明。)
7、Those words 16bring to mind my good friend who I don't see nearly as much as I'd like, but the song in my heart plays sweetly of our warm and loving memories.(這句話讓我想起我的好朋友,我們見面的次數(shù)比我希望的少得多,但我們之間溫馨親切的回憶之歌卻在我心里甜蜜地響起。)
8、A.Music therapy is the functional use of music to bring about change in mind, body, and spirit.(音樂療法是將音樂應用于身體機能,從而改變我們的身心靈的狀態(tài)。)
9、Inspired by her visits to Italy in the 1960s, Elsa says the necklacesbring to mind the beautiful women she saw there, each with a gardenia in their hand.(艾爾莎說,這個靈感來自于1960年她去意大利,在那里她看到美麗的女士佩戴項鏈來傳達自己的感覺,并且每個人手里都拿著一朵梔子花。)
10、Youbring to mind those white, warm, misty hours.(你想起又白、又暖、又陰的日子。)
11、When your mind begins to wander, simply notice this is so and bring your attention back to the breath.(當你走神兒時,簡單的注意到確實走神兒了,然后將注意力重新轉(zhuǎn)移到呼吸上來。)
12、Youbring to mind the yielding fullness of his lower lip as you kissed him on the beach. Surely this person loves you!(你會完全沉醉于海灘上那溫柔的吻,相信這個人是真的愛你的!)
13、I know where the Christmas market is held, I just can'tbring to mind the name of the place.(我知道舉辦圣誕集市的地方,只是想不起來那個地方的名字了。)
14、What the word does notbring to mind is college dormitories, dining halls and early morning classes.(這個單詞不會讓人聯(lián)想到大學宿舍、餐廳以及早自習。)
15、Yoga seeks to bring harmony across all levels of our existence, from the body, breath, mind, spirit, etc., and unite them in harmony.(瑜伽旨在把和諧帶入我們存在的各個層次,從身體,呼吸,頭腦和心靈等,并以和諧的方式將他們統(tǒng)一。)
16、For most people, the words "time travel"bring to mind science fiction: H. G. Wells, Star Trek, and a certain famous DeLorean automobile.(對于大部分人,短語“時間旅行”會使他們聯(lián)想到科幻小說:H.G.Wells、StarTrek和某種流行的DeLorean汽車。)
17、Thenbring to mind those wonderful moments from your vacation.(然后回想那些你假期里美妙的記憶。) haO86.com
18、The road on which I travel to go to work would immediatelybring to mind haunting imagery; a dark, twisting road in the thick of a well-forested area.(我上班走的那條路幽暗曲折,周圍樹木繁盛,很容易引發(fā)人不好的想象。)
19、These days the word "kefir" is consequently more likely tobring to mind glamorous, yoga mat-toting women from Los Angeles than austere visions of blustery Eastern Europe.(因此,如今“開菲爾”這個詞更容易讓人聯(lián)想到來自洛杉磯、帶著瑜伽墊的魅力四射的女性,而不是那種狂風大作的東歐的簡樸景象。)
20、This may, in turn,bring to mind more diverse and original ideas, such as going on a joint vacation, writing a song, or cleaning and remodeling the house.(從而讓我們產(chǎn)生更多樣更新穎的想法比如共同出門度假寫一首歌或者重新整理裝修房子。)
21、My ex always/never/used to: If your ex is still on their mind so much that they need to constantly bring her up, then why are they dating us?(我的前女友經(jīng)常/從不/這樣:如果你的前任總在腦子里揮之不去,還老是忍不住提起,為什么不回去重歸于好呢?)
22、You like the dew of muddy petals, bringing fragrance across the blue sky; you like the whistle, Ibring to mind and the pursuit of static.(你像那沾滿露珠的花瓣,給我?guī)硪皇曳枷悖荒阆衲莿澾^藍天的鴿哨,給我?guī)硇撵`的靜遠和追求。)
23、You can overcome abnormal fear when you know the power of your subconscious mind can change conditions and bring to pass the cherished desires of your heart.(一旦你了解到你潛意識的力量可以改變環(huán)境,可以使你心中所懷的祈望成真,你就可以克服不正常的恐懼。)
24、If you do not mind, I may bring it back to you next time I go to Canada.(如果你不介意的話,我也可以在下次去加拿大的時候把它給你帶回去。)
25、Fantasise..bring to mind a lovely vision, fantasy (any kind) or memory and let your more creative right brain have the REINS.(幻想。腦袋里想著美好的場景,幻想(任何事)或者回憶,讓你更具創(chuàng)造力的右腦占據(jù)主動權(quán)。)
26、It's not quite George Jetson's flying car, but a new roadworthy vehicle capable of deploying wings and taking off down the airport runway willbring to mind the familiar cartoon jingle.(這不是GeorgeJetson的飛行車,而是一個新的帶有翅膀的“飛車”,它不僅可以在機場跑道上起降,而且讓你想起熟悉的卡通旋律。)
27、I can't seem tobring to mind her address.(我似乎想不起她的地址了。)
28、Topped with red tomato, white mozzarella and green basil, The Margherita, one of the pillars in the Neapolitan pizza family, was designed tobring to mind the colors of the Italian national flag.(那不勒斯披薩家族的當家之作——瑪格麗特披薩,以紅番茄、白干酪、和綠色的羅勒為餡料。這種餡料的顏色搭配旨在讓人聯(lián)想到意大利國旗。)