
book store造句

book store造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:40


book store造句

  • 1、You can go to either thebook store or the library.(你要么去書店,要么去圖書館。)
  • 2、Near my school are many small shops, including abook store.(我們學(xué)校附近有很多商店,其中有一個(gè)書店。)
  • 3、The prices are entirely made up and you should check your favoritebook store for actual pricing.(價(jià)格完全是瞎編的,至于實(shí)際的定價(jià),您應(yīng)該詢問自己喜歡的書店。)
  • 4、I run abook store.(我經(jīng)營一家書店。)
  • 5、I finally found the textbook I need in a second-handbook store.(我終于在二手書店找到了我需要的那本教科書。)
  • 6、It's not just the comicbook store and the taco stand, though.(盡管這并不只是漫畫書店和塔克玉米卷的事情。)
  • 7、That's why he works in a comicbook store.(這就是他在漫畫書店工作的原因。)
  • 8、Where did you buy the dictionary, in thebook store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore?(你在哪兒買的這本辭書,是在左近的書店照舊在新華書店?)
  • 9、Sunbook store is on King Street.(太陽書店在國王街。)
  • 10、He decided to close out hisbook store.(他決定將他的書店停業(yè)。)
  • 11、I am a huge fan of thebook store, the library and all things book-related.(我對(duì)書店,圖書館以及一切與書有關(guān)的的東西著迷。)
  • 12、Sam struck on that anthology in a second handbook store.(薩姆在一家舊書店里偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)了那本選集。)
  • 13、But in fact, thebook store is plenty busy with forms already filed by non-procrastinators.(事實(shí)上,書店已經(jīng)被非拖延者填寫的書單忙得焦頭爛額。)
  • 14、For more information, please consult scheduled to call in advance or to understand thebook store.(欲知信息詳情,請(qǐng)?zhí)崆皝黼娮稍冾A(yù)定或到店了解預(yù)定。)
  • 15、Oh, they are not at the comicbook store, either?(噢,它們也不在連環(huán)畫書店嗎?)
  • 16、The books are thirty percent off at Sunbook store.(太陽書店的書打七折。)
  • 17、Read a book: Go to thebook store, browse the selections and pick something that you love reading.(讀書:去書店,瀏覽精品書目,挑出你喜歡讀的。)
  • 18、I found a beautifulbook store on the street and spent some time in it.(我在街邊偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)了一座別致的書店,于是決定進(jìn)去看看。)
  • 19、Our onlinebook store USES Lotus Quickr to manage book information.(我們的在線書店使用LotusQuickr來管理圖書信息。)
  • 20、It's got its own app store and e-book store.(它有它自己的應(yīng)用程序商店和電子書商店。)
  • 21、Go straight this way , there is a luggage inquires near thebook store .(這里過去直走,在書店旁,有個(gè)行李查詢處就是。)
  • 22、It was — I think it was — in abook store.(那是——我想——是在一間書店里。)

book store基本釋義