
brain wave造句

brain wave造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:56:28


brain wave造句

  • 1、The detectedbrain wave is amplified or processed, then is stored, the control signal is sent in wired mode or wireless mode.(對檢測到的腦波進行放大或信號處理,然后存儲,對控制信號進行有線或無線發(fā)送。)
  • 2、Sleep is divided into REM and four stages of non-REM; each has a distinctbrain wave frequency.(睡眠過程可分為快速眼動階段和四個非快速眼動階段,每個階段的腦波頻率都不一樣。)
  • 3、Technically, what Wilson did was come up with an interface combining an Electroencephalogram, orbrain wave monitor, with an on screen keyboard for selecting letters.(我們很少寫有關(guān)大學(xué)研究成果的文章,但這個太不同了。技術(shù)上,Wilson的確做到了提供一個接口,它包含了腦電圖或腦波監(jiān)視器,和一個用于選擇字母的屏幕鍵盤。)
  • 4、Between three subtypes of ADHD,brain wave frequency of HI type was the slowest, of the PI type was the fastest(P<0.01).(三個亞型ADHD患兒中HI型腦電頻率最慢,PI型頻率最快,三個亞型間兩兩比較差異有非常顯著性(P<0.01)。)
  • 5、brain wave electrodes are arranged near a head rest or at a position that a member is hanged from roof.(腦波檢測電極設(shè)置在靠近頭靠(枕)或從頂棚吊下的部件的位置。)
  • 6、In1994, thebrain wave patterns of40 subjects were officially correlated with both spoken words and silent thought.(在1994年,40種對象的腦電波的方式官方是與所講的單詞和沉默的想法關(guān)聯(lián)。)
  • 7、He got abrain wave and solved the problem.(他患了一種腦波病,但問題已經(jīng)解決。)
  • 8、Wakefulness can be observed and measured using an EKG machine that picks upbrain wave activity.(覺醒能夠通過使用了解腦波活動的心電圖機器進行觀察和測量。)
  • 9、It lowers the respiratory rate and changes thebrain wave patterns.(它會降低呼吸頻率并改變腦波模式。)
  • 10、Objective: To investigate the effect ofbrain wave Biofeedback Training on the psychology and behaviour of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).(目的:探討腦電生物反饋治療對adhd兒童心理、行為的影響。)
  • 11、The apparatus at least comprises: abrain wave sensing detection starting unit, a graphic display unit, abrain wave intensity display unit, and abrain wave detection unit.(裝置至少具有腦波傳感檢測開始機構(gòu)、選項圖形顯示機構(gòu)、腦波強度顯示機構(gòu)、腦波檢測機構(gòu)。)
  • 12、By becoming aware of the nature of the breath and retaining the breath, one can control the systems of the body and one can harmonize thebrain wave patterns.(通過意識到呼吸以及控制呼吸的本質(zhì),一個人就可以控制身體的系統(tǒng),也讓腦電波模式和諧。)
  • 13、The basis of manybrain wave-reading games is electroencephalography, or EEG, the measurement of the brain's electrical activity through electrodes placed on the scalp.(許多腦電波讀取游戲是建立在腦電圖學(xué)(EEG)之上,EEG是一種通過在頭皮上安置的電極對大鬧電活動進行探測的技術(shù)。)
  • 14、Mind Flex relies on EEG technology to measurebrain wave activity through a headset equipped with sensors for the forehead and earlobes.(MindFlex依靠EEG技術(shù)去測量腦電波活動,這需要通過一副頭式設(shè)備實現(xiàn),上面安有需分別戴在前額和耳垂的傳感器。)
  • 15、brain wave sends immediately and searches the object.(思感波立即發(fā)出,搜索對方的所在。)
  • 16、We live with the rhythms of our own heartbeat and respiration and the more subtle rhythms of metabolic andbrain wave activity.(在我們生命的過程中,我們在體驗著自身心跳與呼吸的節(jié)奏,甚至新陳代謝與腦電波活動等更細微的律動。)
  • 17、Conclusionsbrain wave therapy could improve the cognitive function in the senile depression by adjusting and balancing brain electric activity and excited level.(結(jié)論腦波治療通過調(diào)節(jié)、平衡人體的腦電活動及興奮水平,具有改善老年期抑郁癥患者認知功能的作用。)
  • 18、ObjectiveTo explore the effect ofbrain wave-biofeedback on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.(目的探討腦電生物反饋治療注意缺陷多動障礙兒童的臨床效果。)
  • 19、Scientists could then detect and record the specificbrain wave patterns triggered when the rats detected different targets.(當老鼠嗅探到不同的目標時,科學(xué)家們可以探測和記錄這些物體所觸發(fā)的特定腦電波。)
  • 20、The computer then calibrated the system with the individual patient's specificbrain wave, and when the patient then focused on a letter, the letter appeared on the screen.(然后計算機校準每個病人特異腦電波組成的系統(tǒng),所以當病人專注于某個字母時,那個字母就會顯示在熒光屏上。)
  • 21、Before explaining the surprising result ofbrain wave tests, we should first understand what thebrain wave is.(在告訴各位腦波檢測驚人結(jié)果以前必須先對什么是腦波有一點概念。)
  • 22、He said that the differentbrain wave pattern seen in the children with great risk factors "seems to be highly correlated with behaviors that will develop later."(他稱:在易患自閉綜合癥的兒童腦波條帶中發(fā)現(xiàn)的異常情況,與該兒童在日后的異常行為具有高的相關(guān)性。)
  • 23、Halloween costume. It's a prototype, years in the making, of a toy that incorporatesbrain wave-reading technology.(但是,這不是一般的萬圣節(jié)服裝。是一個原型。耗時幾年,一種結(jié)合了腦電波讀取技術(shù)的玩具。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 24、But in industries like information technology, the time frombrain wave to production line, or line of code, is much shorter.(但是,在信息技術(shù)這樣的產(chǎn)業(yè)里,從大腦構(gòu)想出點子到生產(chǎn)線或是代碼行,時間就要短得多。)

brain wave基本釋義

brain wave

英 [brein weiv] 美 [bren wev] 
腦波; 靈感
