
burst in on造句

burst in on造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:55:53


burst in on造句

  • 1、Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tire tread on burst stomach.(早上小巷里出現(xiàn)狗的尸體,被輪胎攔腰碾過。)
  • 2、Im sorry toburst in on you like this, but Im really upset.(我很抱歉這樣突然地找您,但我真的很心煩。)
  • 3、On the day when you see him, the defects of be in love easily burst;(當(dāng)有一天你看到他身上的缺陷,戀愛很輕易就破滅;)
  • 4、Heburst in on our conversation.(他打斷了我們的談話。)
  • 5、In the middle of his tests, the scientist burst on the truth.(在實驗過程中,那個科學(xué)家突然發(fā)現(xiàn)了真相。)
  • 6、Theyburst in on me while I was working.(我在工作時他們突然打斷了我。)
  • 7、He was just about to leave when someoneburst in on his room.(他正打算離開時,突然有人闖入他的房間。)
  • 8、How dare youburst in on us without knocking!(的翻譯是:您怎敢在我們破裂了,無需敲!)
  • 9、He'll beburst in on us at any moment.(他隨時會出現(xiàn)在我們面前。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、The policemenburst in on the thief's house at midnight.(警察半夜突然沖進竊賊家中。)
  • 11、I am sorry toburst in on you like this, but I have an urgent message.(真對不起,這么急匆匆地打斷你們,但我有要緊的消息。)
  • 12、Heburst in on the meeting.(他闖進來打斷了會議。)

burst in on基本釋義