
bus driver造句

bus driver造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:55:52


bus driver造句

  • 1、Mr Fahrenwald is Rutland's superintendent, physics teacher andbus driver.(法蘭沃得是拉特蘭學(xué)區(qū)負(fù)責(zé)人、物理老師兼校車司機(jī)。)
  • 2、Thebus driver chews his sandwich and watches us in the overhead mirror.(司機(jī)一邊從后視鏡里看戲一邊嚼著三明治。)
  • 3、Andy don't talk to thebus driver while he's driving.(公共汽車司機(jī)在開車時(shí)不要和他說話。)
  • 4、He's abus driver.(他是一名公共汽車司機(jī)。)
  • 5、Thebus driver asked them to move along.(公共汽車司機(jī)讓他們往里走走。)
  • 6、My uncle is abus driver.(我的叔叔是公交車司機(jī)。)
  • 7、I asked thebus driver to put me off at the station.(我請公共汽車司機(jī)讓我在火車站下車。)
  • 8、Parts of the route driven by thebus driver have been blocked by recent snowfalls, and some passengers started to gasp and exclaim.(巴士司機(jī)駕駛的路線中有部分路段被近期的降雪堵塞了,有些游客們開始緊張地喘息和驚叫。)
  • 9、"Tell thebus driver there's a bum in the restroom," he said.(“告訴司機(jī)廁所里有個(gè)流浪漢?!彼f。)
  • 10、If you drop something near the bus, tell thebus driver.(如果在校車附近掉了東西,請告訴司機(jī)。)
  • 11、I'm going to be abus driver.(我要成為一名公共汽車司機(jī)。) hao86.com
  • 12、When you get on the transfer bus, just show thebus driver the ticket stub.(當(dāng)你上了轉(zhuǎn)乘的公共汽車時(shí),就把這張票根給司機(jī)看。)
  • 13、Is that why thebus driver let us ride for free?(公交司機(jī)不收錢是這個(gè)原因嗎?)
  • 14、She works as abus driver.(她當(dāng)公共汽車司機(jī)。)
  • 15、A youngbus driver is driving the bus.(一個(gè)年輕的公交車司機(jī)正在公交車前面開車。)
  • 16、George, whose father was abus driver, joined them in 1958.(George1958年加入他們,他的父親是個(gè)巴士司機(jī)。)
  • 17、Though Andrea kept her job as a schoolbus driver, she knew that they couldn't pay their bill and support their youngest of five children, Zack, age nine, on one income.(雖然安德里亞保住了校車司機(jī)的工作,但她知道他們靠一份收入無法支付賬單,也無法養(yǎng)活家里五個(gè)孩子中最小的一個(gè)——九歲的扎克。)
  • 18、Thebus driver seems lost.(這位公共汽車司機(jī)好像是迷路了。)
  • 19、Thebus driver looked down at her.(公交司機(jī)正低頭看著她。)
  • 20、I remember the crush I had on theirbus driver.(我還記得我對他們巴士司機(jī)的迷戀。)
  • 21、Thebus driver did a quick count of the empty seats.(公共汽車司機(jī)很快地?cái)?shù)了數(shù)空位。)
  • 22、Why am I supposed to tip a cab driver, but I'm not expected to tip thebus driver?(為什么我要給出租車司機(jī)小費(fèi),而不用付公交車司機(jī)小費(fèi)呢?)
  • 23、Abus driver needs a bus and timetable.(汽車司機(jī)需要汽車和時(shí)刻表。)
  • 24、I asked thebus driver to put me off near the hotel.(我請公共汽車司機(jī)在賓館附近讓我下車。)
  • 25、Thebus driver also escaped.(大巴的司機(jī)也已經(jīng)逃離。)
  • 26、Thebus driver says, "It's cops."(公交司機(jī)喊道“警察來了?!?
  • 27、Thebus driver might not be able to see you.(司機(jī)可能無法看到你。)
  • 28、Wait for a signal from thebus driver before you cross the street.(等待司機(jī)給你過馬路的信號。)
  • 29、Thebus driver has a big blue bus.(公共汽車司機(jī)有一輛藍(lán)色的大公共汽車。)

bus driver基本釋義

bus driver

英 [b?s ?draiv?] 美 [b?s ?dra?v?] 
