by law造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:55:46


by law造句

  • 1、Any other circumstance providedby law occurs.(法律規(guī)定的其他情形。)
  • 2、by law, seat belts must be worn by all passengers.(按照法律規(guī)定,所有乘客都必須系安全帶。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、It is requiredby law that a driving test be taken before a man gets a license.(法律規(guī)定,一個(gè)人在取得駕照之前必須參加駕駛考試。)
  • 4、Crimes such as embezzlement are punishableby law.(諸如營私舞弊等犯罪會(huì)受到法律的懲戒。)
  • 5、Is sharing in those circumstances requiredby law?(難道這些情況下的分享是法律的要求嗎?)
  • 6、British schools are now requiredby law to publish their exam results.(現(xiàn)在英國的學(xué)校得按法律規(guī)定公布考試結(jié)果。)
  • 7、Marriage without registration is not recognizedby law.(法律不承認(rèn)未登記的婚姻。)
  • 8、Except as otherwise providedby law.(法律另有規(guī)定的除外。)
  • 9、by law, you are a child until you are 18.(按照法律規(guī)定,18歲之前是未成年人。)
  • 10、These limits can only be determinedby law.(此等限制僅得由法律規(guī)定之。)
  • 11、The wearing of seat belts is requiredby law.(法律規(guī)定必須系安全帶。)
  • 12、The ratios are, generally, fixedby law.(通常情況下,該比例將由法律強(qiáng)制規(guī)定。)
  • 13、All drivers are requiredby law to wear a seat belt.(法律規(guī)定所有的駕駛?cè)硕家蛋踩珟А?
  • 14、Unlike marriage or the ties that bind parents and children, it is not defined or regulatedby law.(不像婚姻或?qū)⒏改概c孩子捆綁(在一起)的紐帶,它不被法律所定義或規(guī)范。)
  • 15、The emission of sulfur dioxide when high-sulfur coal is burned is restrictedby law.(高硫煤燃燒過程中的二氧化硫的排放是受到法律限制的。)
  • 16、Pharmacists are requiredby law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.(根據(jù)法律,藥劑師被要求只配醫(yī)生開列的藥。)
  • 17、by law all restaurants must display their prices outside.(根據(jù)法律所有飯店必須在外面亮出他們的價(jià)目。)
  • 18、He is preventedby law from holding a licence.(法律不準(zhǔn)他持有執(zhí)照。)
  • 19、Parents are obligedby law to send their children to school.(法律規(guī)定父母必須送子女入學(xué)。)
  • 20、The powers of a judge are definedby law.(法官的權(quán)限是由法律規(guī)定的。)
  • 21、Everyone's right to life shall be protectedby law.(每個(gè)人的生命權(quán)利都應(yīng)受到法律保護(hù)。)
  • 22、The activities of credit companies are regulatedby law.(信貸公司的業(yè)務(wù)受法律的制約。)
  • 23、Land use right may be transferredby law.(土地使用權(quán)可以依法轉(zhuǎn)讓。)
  • 24、by law, companies must "consider seriously" requests to work flexibly made by a parent with a child under the age of six, or a disabled child under 18.(根據(jù)法律,公司必須“認(rèn)真考慮”有6歲以下子女或18歲以下殘疾兒童的父母提出的彈性工作要求。)
  • 25、A lawfully formed contract is protectedby law.(依法成立的合同,受法律保護(hù)。)
  • 26、They are requiredby law to be there.(法律規(guī)定他們必須上學(xué)。)
  • 27、It is requiredby law to shut down banks which it regards as chronically short of capital.(法律規(guī)定要關(guān)閉資金長(zhǎng)期短缺的銀行。)

by law基本釋義