
by the time造句

by the time造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:55:44


by the time造句

  • 1、by the time the police arrived, I was a nervous wreck.(警察到達(dá)時,我已經(jīng)緊張得不行了。)
  • 2、Scott was obviously inebriatedby the time the dessert was served.(到了上甜點的時候,斯科特顯然已經(jīng)喝醉了。)
  • 3、Her singing career was all washed upby the time she was 27.(她到27歲時歌唱生涯就告終了。)
  • 4、Most of the workers had already rung inby the time I arrived.(我到的時候,大多數(shù)工人都已簽到了。)
  • 5、by the time Flynn arrived at his office it was 5:30.(弗林到達(dá)辦公室時已經(jīng)5:30了。)
  • 6、by the time they reached the mountaintop, the sleet had changed to fluffy snow.(當(dāng)他們到達(dá)山頂上的時候,雨夾雪已經(jīng)變成了柔軟的雪花。)
  • 7、by the time you get there the meeting will be over.(等你到了那里的時候,會議就該結(jié)束了。)
  • 8、by the time he died, he was a millionaire.(到他去世的時候,他已是一位百萬富翁。)
  • 9、by the time our officers arrived, the dead and the dying were everywhere.(當(dāng)我們的警官到達(dá)的時候已是遍地尸首和垂死的人。)
  • 10、by the time he'd fixed the leak, I was into him for $500.(他補(bǔ)好漏洞時,我就該付給他500元。)
  • 11、by the time the ambulance arrived he was unconscious.(救護(hù)車趕到時他已神志不清。)
  • 12、by the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country.(你收到這封信時,我已離開這個國家了。)
  • 13、by the time I was vice chancellor, the Senate had become a much larger and a much more democratic body.(到我做副校長的那個時候,大學(xué)評議會已經(jīng)成為一個更大、更民主的機(jī)構(gòu)了。)
  • 14、by the time you learn one program, it's outdated.(當(dāng)你學(xué)會一個程序的時候,它已經(jīng)過時了。)
  • 15、by the time we had made landfall the boat looked ten years older!(等到我們登陸時,這艘船看似已老了10年!)
  • 16、by the time he was sixteen, Malcolm already knew most of the city's teenage hangouts.(馬爾科姆16歲的時候已經(jīng)知道了城里青少年常去的大多數(shù)地方。)
  • 17、by the time we arrived the meeting was over.(我們到達(dá)時,會議已經(jīng)結(jié)束了。)
  • 18、by the time this gets into print, they'll already have left the country.(這篇東西發(fā)表的時候,他們將已經(jīng)離開這個國家了。)
  • 19、by the time she was 13, her company was worth millions of dollars.(到她13歲的時候,她的公司已經(jīng)價值數(shù)百萬美元了。)
  • 20、by the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed.(等我們吃完飯回來,諾娜已經(jīng)上床了。)
  • 21、by the time I was 30, we had three adorable children.(到我30歲時,我們有了3個非常可愛的孩子。)
  • 22、Butby the time I was ready for college, it broke my heart to leave.(但當(dāng)我準(zhǔn)備去上大學(xué)的時候,一想到要離開這里,我的心都碎了。)
  • 23、by the time the garage was finished, so was my car.(車庫修好的時候,我的車也修好了。)
  • 24、by the time Alexandra was seven years old, she had begun painting with oil paints.(Alexandra七歲的時候,就開始用油畫顏料畫畫了。)
  • 25、You count such a watchby the time he starts his class.(你總是掐著他開始上課的時間。)
  • 26、She was tired and out of sortsby the time she arrived home.(她回到家里,又累又煩。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 27、The storms had abatedby the time they rounded Cape Horn.(暴風(fēng)在他們繞過好望角時已經(jīng)減弱了。)
  • 28、by the time she left college, she had been an excellent student.(到她大學(xué)畢業(yè)的時候,她已經(jīng)是一個優(yōu)秀的學(xué)生了。)
  • 29、by the time I arrived on the scene , it was all over.(我來到現(xiàn)場時,一切都已結(jié)束。)

by the time基本釋義