by twos造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:55:43


by twos造句

  • 1、They began to leave the auditorium by ones and twos.(他們開始三三兩兩地離開了禮堂。)
  • 2、Franklin could (1)countby twos and (2)tie his shoes.(富蘭克林學會了數(shù)奇偶數(shù),他還學會了自己系鞋帶。)
  • 3、At dusk, people like to sit in the meadowsby twos and threes about the clear lake, enjoying the cool.(今晚時分,人們喜歡三三兩兩地坐在明凈湖水四周的草地上乘涼。)
  • 4、The children went on an outing hand in handby twos.(孩子們兩兩地手拉著手出去郊游。)
  • 5、They went out hand in handby twos and threes.(他們?nèi)齼蓛傻厥掷殖鋈チ恕?
  • 6、People began to leave the meeting by ones and twos.(大家三三兩兩地離開會場。)
  • 7、In the meantime, though, by ones and twos, some Aborigines have managed to succeed.(同時,盡管三三兩兩地,一些原著民設(shè)法成功。)
  • 8、Yin Yuan's house is very simple, not white, is full of color, horsehead walls do not play, in the walls on both sidesby twos and threes to fold.(尹源的房子極為樸素,不著粉白,全是土色,馬頭墻不張揚,在院墻左右兩邊三三兩兩地疊著。)
  • 9、We went to the stationby twos and threes.(我們?nèi)齼蓛傻刈呦蜍囌尽?
  • 10、The came to schoolby twos and threes.(他們?nèi)齼沙扇旱貋淼搅藢W校。)
  • 11、Franklin could countby twos and ties his shoes.(富蘭克林已經(jīng)會數(shù)奇偶數(shù)了,他還學會了自己系鞋帶。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 12、They leave school by ones and twos.(他們?nèi)齼蓛傻仉x開學校。)
  • 13、After we worked on adding and subtracting my girls added more Numbers to the line and jumpedby twos and threes, working on skip counting.(我們學習了加減法后,孩子們又在數(shù)字列上加進許多新的數(shù)字,并隔2,3個數(shù)字跳來學習跳躍計數(shù)。)

by twos基本釋義

by twos

每兩人; 成雙地; 兩個地