
Buckingham Palace造句

Buckingham Palace造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:06


Buckingham Palace造句

  • 1、Members of foreign royal families arrive at the Abbey fromBuckingham Palace.(國(guó)外皇室家庭成員從白金漢宮到達(dá)威斯敏斯特大教堂。)
  • 2、Welcome everybody toBuckingham Palace!(歡迎各位來(lái)到白金漢宮。)
  • 3、Sleeping with a straight body, with arms at each side, as if they are standing guard atBuckingham Palace, indicates stubbornness.(如果人們睡覺(jué)時(shí)身體筆直,兩條手臂各放一側(cè),姿勢(shì)就像站在白金漢宮的衛(wèi)兵一樣,這表示這個(gè)人性格執(zhí)著頑固。)
  • 4、Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch.(白金漢宮是英國(guó)君主在倫敦的官邸。)
  • 5、When Andrew is atBuckingham Palace, and the Queen hears he's there, she'll send him a note.(當(dāng)安德魯在白金漢宮,皇后聞之他在那兒,她就會(huì)送去一張紙條給他。)
  • 6、A helicopter takes off fromBuckingham Palace, in central London April 30, 2011.(直升飛機(jī)于4月30日,2011年從在倫敦中部的白金漢宮起飛。)
  • 7、The first Investiture of the Queen's reign took place atBuckingham Palace on 27th February 1952.(第一次授勛儀式是1952年2月27日在白金漢宮。)
  • 8、Is itBuckingham Palace?(它是白金漢宮?)
  • 9、The award will be presented to him by the Duke of Edinburgh atBuckingham Palace on 5 May.(5月5日愛(ài)丁堡公爵將在白金漢宮為他頒獎(jiǎng)。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 10、The ornate features ofBuckingham Palace will be reflected on the cake, but most of the decorations will be floral, and each has a meaning.(白金漢宮的華麗特點(diǎn)將蛋糕上反映,但大部分的裝飾品都將是花卉,而且每件都蘊(yùn)含一定的意義。)
  • 11、We've just been toBuckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards.(我們剛剛?cè)チ税捉饾h宮,看了衛(wèi)兵換崗。)
  • 12、They go toBuckingham Palace to receive medals from the Queen and, by now, more or less accept it as their due.(他們?nèi)グ捉饾h宮接受了女王的勛章,并且直到現(xiàn)在,或多或少地還是把它作為自己應(yīng)得的來(lái)接受。)
  • 13、Buckingham Palace refused to comment.(英國(guó)王室拒絕發(fā)表評(píng)論。)
  • 14、"These are the questions that are asked around these big events," said aBuckingham Palace spokeswoman.(白金漢宮一位發(fā)言人說(shuō):“在這些重大場(chǎng)合,此類問(wèn)題經(jīng)常會(huì)被提出來(lái)。”)
  • 15、This is only a rehearsal, but already the crowds have gathered outsideBuckingham Palace.(這只是一個(gè)彩排,但所有人群都聚集在白金漢宮門(mén)口。)
  • 16、One hundred and seventy guests have been invited to the dinner atBuckingham Palace.(共有170名賓客受邀參加在白金漢宮舉行的晚宴。)
  • 17、It hopes to putBuckingham Palace into Street View in the near future.(在不久的將來(lái),白金漢宮的圖片還將被收入街景地圖。)
  • 18、Members of the royal Family and members of foreign royal families arrive atBuckingham Palace.(英國(guó)皇室成員、外國(guó)皇室成員到達(dá)白金漢宮。)
  • 19、It is about 2,000 years old, and it is famous for Big Ben,Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.(它大約有2000年的歷史,以大本鐘、白金漢宮和塔橋而聞名。)
  • 20、Ministerial car shuttled between Westminster andBuckingham Palace but the king could not be 7 budged.(大臣們的汽車(chē)在威斯敏斯特教堂和白金漢宮之間穿梭往返,但國(guó)王絲毫不為所動(dòng)。)
  • 21、From 12:40: Other guests for the reception arrive atBuckingham Palace.(40以后:其他客人到達(dá)白金漢宮。)
  • 22、After the ceremony, the royal couple traveled toBuckingham Palace.(儀式結(jié)束后,王室夫婦前往白金漢宮。)
  • 23、Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, all those places are where the tourists always flock.(白金漢宮、特拉法爾加廣場(chǎng),所有這些地方都是游客聚集的地方。)
  • 24、Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction.(白金漢宮是重要的旅游勝地。)
  • 25、Buckingham Palace is just open for the summer, so that's pretty popular.(白金漢宮只在夏天開(kāi)放,所以那兒相當(dāng)受歡迎。)
  • 26、In the years, they had worked together, whether at Logue's little surgery, at Sandringham, Windsor orBuckingham Palace, they had developed a system.(這幾年,他們一起努力,不論是在羅格的小診所,桑德林姆宮,溫莎或是白金漢宮,他們已經(jīng)形成了一套體系。)
  • 27、Buckingham Palace is also not on street view, although it can be glimpsed through the trees on Birdcage Walk.(白金漢宮也沒(méi)有出現(xiàn)在街景地圖上,盡管人們可以從鳥(niǎo)籠道的樹(shù)叢中依稀瞥見(jiàn)那里的景象。)
  • 28、He'd be at home inBuckingham Palace or at the bottom of a coal mine, he said.(“無(wú)論在白金漢宮,還是在煤礦坑底,他都很自在吧?!彼f(shuō)。)

Buckingham Palace基本釋義

Buckingham Palace

英 [?b?k???m ?p?l?s] 
