bulk order造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:02


bulk order造句

  • 1、In order to predict the dust pollution caused by handling acinose ore on the bulk dock of Zhen Jiang Harbour, an analogue test is carried out in the wind tunnel.(為預(yù)測(cè)鎮(zhèn)江大港港區(qū)散貨碼頭礦砂在堆放和裝卸中的粉塵污染情況,在風(fēng)洞中進(jìn)行了模擬試驗(yàn)。)
  • 2、I'm surprised you're not prepared to offer some sort of bulk discount considering the size of the order.(令我驚奇的是,我們訂了這么多的貨,你們竟沒(méi)給予價(jià)格優(yōu)惠。)
  • 3、For as the bulk recruiters from finance and consultancy rein in their plans, many MBA students will have to make compromises in three areas in order to get a job.(因?yàn)榻鹑诤妥稍儤I(yè)的大部分單位都嚴(yán)格控制了招聘計(jì)劃,為了找到一份工作,許多MBA將不得不在三個(gè)方面作出妥協(xié)。)
  • 4、I would like to place abulk order with your web shop at the wholesale price or with a reasonable discount.(我想以批發(fā)價(jià)或合理的折扣價(jià)向你們的網(wǎng)上商店訂購(gòu)一批產(chǎn)品。) hAo86.com
  • 5、Similarly, if the production order doesn't include any bulk-production items, Steps 6, 7, and 8 are not to be performed.(同樣,如果生產(chǎn)指令不包含任何批量生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品,就不會(huì)執(zhí)行第6、第7和第8步。)
  • 6、Stability of an amorphous alloy is a key for synthesizing bulk amorphous alloy, short range order formed after relaxation has important influence on nucleation of crystalline phase in amorphous.(非晶合金的穩(wěn)定性是制備大塊非晶合金的關(guān)鍵,而弛豫后形成的短程有序結(jié)構(gòu)對(duì)非晶中的晶體相形核有重要的影響。)
  • 7、Nobody in authority was available to take advantage of the offer of a reduced price for abulk order, so I ordered twice our normal requirement on my own initiative.(當(dāng)時(shí)沒(méi)有負(fù)責(zé)的人在場(chǎng)能大批訂購(gòu)削價(jià)貨,因此我主動(dòng)地訂購(gòu)了比我們正常需要多兩倍的貨物。)
  • 8、We hope this trial order will pave the way for bulk purchase.(我們希望這批試訂貨為大量購(gòu)買鋪平道路。)
  • 9、In order to accomplish peeling off between castor capsule and castor bean, the bulk loads and direction are very important.(為了實(shí)現(xiàn)蒴果殼與蓖麻籽成功剝離,載荷的大小以及載荷來(lái)自的方位相當(dāng)重要。)
  • 10、Remove the darts and seam allowance from heavier interfacing before fusing, in order to reduce bulk. Fuse the interfacing to fabric.(為了減少臃腫,在粘合前把厚粘合襯的省道與縫份去掉,然后將襯布粘合到面料上。)
  • 11、We have very special prices for wholesale and bulk quantity order.(我們有非常特殊的價(jià)格批發(fā)及大宗訂單數(shù)量。)
  • 12、If your order is large, we would offer you a bulk discount.(如果您大量訂購(gòu),我們就依大量訂貨打折。)
  • 13、For example, abulk order to insure the same color or size of items such as bricks may be desirable.(例如,一大批貨投保相同的顏色和尺寸的物品,比如磚可能是可取的。)
  • 14、Step 2 of the bulk-production workflow performs only one task (extracts a list of items from the production order).(批量生產(chǎn)工作流程的第2步只執(zhí)行一個(gè)任務(wù)(從生產(chǎn)指令中提取需要生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品清單)。)
  • 15、Dyeing order follow up: daily communication with dyeing mill for submission, color approval process,bulk order delivery.(染色訂單跟進(jìn)。與染廠聯(lián)系跟進(jìn)樣板交期,批色,跟進(jìn)大貨交期。)
  • 16、Of course... our product sells very well on the international market. If you order in bulk, we can give you a discount.(當(dāng)然可以,我們的產(chǎn)品在國(guó)際市場(chǎng)上十分暢銷。如果你們大批定貨,我們可以給您折扣。)
  • 17、The primary objective of the Elaboration phase is to baseline the Method Architecture in order to provide a stable basis for the bulk of the authoring effort in the Construction phase.(精化階段的主要目標(biāo)是調(diào)整的基線,為構(gòu)建階段中大量的編寫工作提供一個(gè)穩(wěn)定可靠的基礎(chǔ)。)
  • 18、We are not outstandingly obliged for yourbulk order only received.(收到貴方大宗訂貨,不勝感激。)
  • 19、Renamed in order to support, modify, extension, case, etc., including the bulk editing MP3 ID3 music information.(支持按順序改名、修改擴(kuò)展名、大小寫等,包括批量修改MP3音樂(lè)的ID3信息。)
  • 20、If you order content in bulk, you'll likely get an even steeper discount.(如果你要的內(nèi)容散裝,您可能拿到更高的折扣。)
  • 21、When purchasing the material, a decision-making technology for booking abulk order was brought forward in decreasing reasonably the inventory.(針對(duì)物料采購(gòu)提出一種訂貨批量決策技術(shù),合理的降低庫(kù)存。)
  • 22、How much discount do I get if I order this in bulk?(如果我批發(fā)訂單的話,價(jià)格上能給我多少優(yōu)惠?)
  • 23、If you can order in bulk, we can give you VIP price, and DISCOUNT for the freight.(如果你能為了在體積,我們可以給你的貴賓價(jià)格,折扣率為運(yùn)費(fèi)。)
  • 24、Even high-priced commodities like spices had to be transported in large bulk in order to justify the expense and trouble of sailing around the African continent all the way to India and China.(即使像香料這樣的高價(jià)商品,也必須大量運(yùn)輸,以證明環(huán)繞非洲大陸航行到印度和中國(guó)的費(fèi)用和不便是合理的。)

bulk order基本釋義

bulk order

英 [b?lk ??:d?] 美 [b?lk ??rd?] 

