
build into造句

build into造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:56:04


build into造句

  • 1、On some, and hopefully many projects, this will mean you need only estimate the size of those requirements you plan tobuild into the next iteration. 5.(對于許多順利進行的項目來說,這意味著您僅僅對您打算嵌入下一次迭代中的需求大小進行了評估。)
  • 2、"Consumers shouldbuild into their budgets continued increases," Norris said.(“消費者應(yīng)該將預(yù)算計入持續(xù)增長當中?!盢orris說。)
  • 3、Determine a strategy to achieve the ultimate goal, butbuild into your plan flexibility to aim for less ambitious goals if things don't pan out the way you had planned.(為最困難的目標制定自己的戰(zhàn)略,但是如果事情沒有按照你預(yù)期的進行,就要靈活的執(zhí)行計劃,降低自己的目標。)
  • 4、DMMP isn'tbuild into the initrd image, so you can use following commands to do it(DMMP沒有構(gòu)建到初始化內(nèi)存鏡像中,因此您可以使用以下命令來完成)
  • 5、Support for this is alreadybuild into Spring IDE 2.0.(SpringIDE2.0已經(jīng)支持這個功能。)
  • 6、You canbuild into the lives of your family, friends and colleagues by providing nutrients of gratitude and encouragement, and by investing your time and energy in their aspirations.(通過給予感激和鼓勵的養(yǎng)料,通過投入你的時間和精力在他們的抱負上。你可以使那些人成為你家庭,朋友和同事的一部分。)
  • 7、Helping your audience follow your message easily requires that youbuild into your structure a certain amount of redundancy.(幫助你的聽眾容易地跟隨你所傳達的信息要求你在結(jié)構(gòu)中加進去一定篇幅的重復(fù)。)
  • 8、Although the control that you have created is not very complex, you have seen much of the basic functionality that you canbuild into a user control.(盡管已經(jīng)創(chuàng)建的控件不是很復(fù)雜,但您已經(jīng)了解可以置入用戶控件的許多基本功能。)
  • 9、Drug companiesbuild into that price the cost of their research, the advertising, the marketing and everything else thats associated with that.(制藥公司的這個價格,包括了他們的研究,廣告,營銷和其他所有的一切費用。)
  • 10、Is looking tobuild into existing homes, demolishing old buildings and building new and total sale scene.(正在建設(shè)納入現(xiàn)有的房屋,拆除舊建筑和建設(shè)新的總銷售現(xiàn)場。)
  • 11、build into a Collins glass, stir well, float 151% rum on top.(兌和入可林直杯,充分攪合,注入適量151朗姆酒。)
  • 12、Specifies the products tobuild into the bootstrapper.(指定要生成到引導(dǎo)程序中的產(chǎn)品。)
  • 13、Write the overall status of thebuild into a file in that directory.(把構(gòu)建的整體狀態(tài)寫入這個目錄中的一個文件。)
  • 14、Wealth is a subconscious conviction.build into your mentality the idea of wealth.(其實,富裕是一種潛意識的信念。你需要心里建立起這樣一種財富理念。)
  • 15、By the second half of the year all the world's big economies had stopped shrinking, and optimists hope this willbuild into a sharp v-shaped bounceback.(截止到今年下半年以來,所有世界大的經(jīng)濟體已經(jīng)停止了衰退,并且樂觀的預(yù)期似乎將建立在一個劇烈的V型經(jīng)濟反轉(zhuǎn)圖之上。)
  • 16、The more variety youbuild into your diet, the less you stick to it.(節(jié)食譜花樣愈多,則堅持力愈少。)
  • 17、You mustbuild into your mentality the mental equivalent of what you want in a marriage partner.(你對你的婚姻配偶有何要求,你就必須要在你精神中建立起與之相當?shù)男睦頎顟B(tài)。)
  • 18、The for loop iterates over the feeds, finds entries for the desired day, and extracts a few fields tobuild into the accumulated message text, in message_text.(for循環(huán)遍歷提要,查找所需日期的條目,并提取幾個字段以構(gòu)建到message_text中積累的消息文本中。)
  • 19、build into your mentality the idea of wealth.(你需要心里建立起這樣一種財富理念。)
  • 20、The virtual path tobuild into a type.(要生成為某個類型的虛擬路徑。)
  • 21、If you cannot deduce the reason, type the exact error message and the name of the package you're trying tobuild into Google.(如果您無法找到錯誤原因,那么可以在Google中鍵入確切的錯誤消息,以及您正在嘗試編譯的包的名字。)
  • 22、We will make use of their strong technical strength and rich industry experience to QY series speakersbuild into an international brand.(我們將憑借其雄厚的技術(shù)實力和豐富的行業(yè)經(jīng)驗把音箱QY系列打造成為國際性的知名品牌。)
  • 23、Shenan Huanghe Bridge in Lanzhou City is proposed tobuild into a large-sized urban landscape bridge.(蘭州市深安黃河大橋擬建成一座大型城市景觀橋梁,對景觀和造型有較高的要求。)
  • 24、It will also help you to decide what you will need tobuild into a machine before it can be considered as a robot.(在它成為機器人之前,它還將幫助您決定需要在機器中構(gòu)建什么。)
  • 25、And objects can be necessary apparatus for other things we want tobuild into our lives, like exploration, acquisition of knowledge, and sense of security.(另外,東西可能對于那些被我們希望加入進生活中的別的事情(例如:探索、獲得知識還有安全感)來說是必不可少的。)
  • 26、Fudgeability can be difficult tobuild into a computer system because it demands a considerably more capable interface.(在計算機系統(tǒng)中建立規(guī)避機制很困難,因為它需要一個能力更強大的界面。)
  • 27、The simple structure of commands makes them very easy tobuild into tools, like WebSphere.(簡單的命令結(jié)構(gòu)就可以使其很容易被創(chuàng)建到工具中,如WebSphere。)
  • 28、Next, it imports the projects tobuild into this new workspace.(接下來,它將構(gòu)建的項目導(dǎo)入到了新的工作區(qū)內(nèi)。) 【hao86.com好工具】

build into基本釋義

build into

英 [bild ??ntu?] 美 [b?ld ??ntu] 
使固定于; 使成為 ... 的一部分