call out造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:55:31


call out造句

  • 1、Are you ready tocall out for help?(你是否準(zhǔn)備呼求幫助?)
  • 2、call out Samantha's name in your sleep.(在你睡覺的時(shí)候喊著薩曼莎的名字。)
  • 3、I will tie a rope round your body, so that I can pull you up again when youcall out to me.(你從那兒朝下一溜,就可以深深地鉆進(jìn)樹身里去。我要你腰上系一根繩子,這樣,你喊我的時(shí)候,便可以把你拉上來。)
  • 4、When she saw her friend Mandy walking her cocker spaniel, she wouldcall out, "Hello, Mandy!"(當(dāng)看到好友曼蒂和她的小曲卡犬時(shí),她總會(huì)大聲說“哈羅,曼蒂!”)
  • 5、Upon prompting by the facilitator, participantscall out features, and function, and connections.(根據(jù)輔導(dǎo)者的提示,參與者大聲說出有關(guān)的特性、功能和聯(lián)系。)
  • 6、Icall out to you; save me and I will keep your statutes.(我向你呼吁,求你救我。我要遵守你的法度。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 7、In a typical Sprint Planning meeting, team members willcall out tasks that need to be done.(在一個(gè)典型的SprintPlanning會(huì)議上,隊(duì)員們將討論需要完成的工作。)
  • 8、The Good Lord is always with you, and when you need His strength,call out His name.(上帝總是和你同在,當(dāng)你需要他的力量時(shí),就喊出他的名字。)
  • 9、He heard the gentlemencall out warningly, "Be careful, washerwoman!"(他聽見紳士們大聲警告說:“小心,洗衣婦!”)
  • 10、That it seems tocall out to me from forty years ago.(這聽起來就像是四十年前對(duì)我的呼喚。)
  • 11、I'm about tocall out to them. They run away.(我想要呼喚他們,他們卻恰好跑開了。)
  • 12、Theycall out for another song. And theycall out her name: Marian Anderson.(當(dāng)她演唱完畢時(shí),出現(xiàn)了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的沉寂,然后,人們報(bào)以熱烈的掌聲和歡呼聲,他們要求她再來一首,他們高呼她的名字:瑪麗安.安德森。)
  • 13、The local sheriff willcall out the guys and restore order when there's trouble.(當(dāng)有麻煩的時(shí)候,當(dāng)?shù)鼐贂?huì)召集人員,重整并恢復(fù)秩序)
  • 14、He can't run in the halls, cut in line,call out, or swing his paintbrush around.(他不能在走廊奔跑,不能插隊(duì),不能大聲叫喊,或到處揮舞畫筆。)
  • 15、He heard the Ratcall out warningly, "Come on, Toad!"(他聽見水鼠蘭特大聲警告說:“跟上,癩蛤蟆托德!”)
  • 16、Conversely, imagine a business process that needs tocall out to an already existing EJB service.(從相反方面考慮,可以假設(shè)業(yè)務(wù)流程需要調(diào)出到現(xiàn)有EJB服務(wù)。)
  • 17、In a typical Sprint Planning meeting, team memberscall out tasks that need to be done.(在一個(gè)典型的SprintPlanning會(huì)議中,團(tuán)隊(duì)成員會(huì)調(diào)出所有需要完成的任務(wù)。)
  • 18、Next we'll examine how tocall out to other programs without exposing a vulnerability.(所以,接下來我們將分析如何在不暴露缺陷的同時(shí)去調(diào)用其他程序。)
  • 19、He willcall out to me, 'You are my Father, my God, the Rock my Savior.'(他要稱呼我說,你是我的父是我的神,是拯救我的磐石。)
  • 20、Nintendo and Sony. This is acall out to you.(任天堂和索尼,這是對(duì)你們的一個(gè)召喚。)
  • 21、It was the weather tocall out May's radiance, and she burned like a young maple in the frost.(這天氣使得梅容光煥發(fā),像霜雪中的一棵小楓樹那樣光彩奪目。)
  • 22、I heard the second living creaturecall out, "Come!"(我聽見第二個(gè)活物說,你來。)
  • 23、Many times when my father was sitting with his male friends, he wouldcall out for me to come to him.(很多次,當(dāng)我父親和他的男性朋友坐在一起時(shí),他會(huì)喊我去到他跟前去。)
  • 24、Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace, he heard the drivercall out, "Now, jump!"(蟾蜍踩下踏板,火車減速至與步行差不多時(shí),他聽到司機(jī)一聲喊:“現(xiàn)在,跳!”)
  • 25、These scripts are exposed as services but also allow you tocall out to other services.(這些腳本被表示為服務(wù),但是也允許您用來調(diào)用其他服務(wù)。)
  • 26、Don't worry, I'llcall out stops.(別擔(dān)心,我會(huì)報(bào)站的。)
  • 27、He refused tocall out the militia to protect employers now.(此時(shí),他拒絕派遣自衛(wèi)隊(duì)維護(hù)雇主。)
  • 28、Does not wisdomcall out?(智慧豈不呼叫?)

call out基本釋義

call out

英 [k?:l aut] 美 [k?l a?t] 
出動(dòng); 召集; 大聲叫喊