calm down造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:55:29


calm down造句

  • 1、May:calm down, sweety.(阿美:冷靜一點(diǎn),親愛(ài)的。)
  • 2、calm down, buddy [old chap]. What's the trouble?(壓壓氣,老兄。有什么麻煩嗎?)
  • 3、Otherwise,calm down and go home – please.(否則,請(qǐng)你們冷靜下來(lái),回到家里去。)
  • 4、If you're mad, give yourself time tocalm down.(如果你快氣瘋了,給自己時(shí)間冷靜下來(lái)。)
  • 5、Pleasecalm down and tell me what's wrong.(請(qǐng)冷靜下來(lái)告訴我發(fā)生什么事了。)
  • 6、calm down! Can't you see he's only winding you up?(別激動(dòng)!難道你看不出他只是在氣你嗎?)
  • 7、This critic generated I think some undue rivalry between ballet and modern dance, and it would take a long time, many years in fact, for the rivalry tocalm down.(我認(rèn)為這個(gè)評(píng)論家造成了在芭蕾和現(xiàn)代舞之間的一些過(guò)度競(jìng)爭(zhēng),而且需要很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間(實(shí)際上是很多年),才能平息這種競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。)
  • 8、We will go back to normal when thingscalm down.(一切平息下來(lái)后,我們將恢復(fù)正常。)
  • 9、Just try tocalm down.(試著讓自己平靜下來(lái)!)
  • 10、OK, let'scalm down for several days.(好吧,我們冷靜幾天吧。)
  • 11、Let'scalm down and go back to work.(我們還是冷靜下來(lái)繼續(xù)工作吧。)
  • 12、When I arrive home, Icalm down and remind myself why I chose this way.(我回到家時(shí),冷靜下來(lái),提醒自己為什么選擇這條路。)
  • 13、You need tocalm down. It's no big deal.(你需要冷靜一點(diǎn)。沒(méi)什么打不了的。)
  • 14、You shouldcalm down and think carefully.(你應(yīng)該冷靜下來(lái)好好想一想。)
  • 15、calm down, don't be panic.(冷靜下來(lái),不要慌。)
  • 16、Look,calm down! We'll find her.(喂,鎮(zhèn)靜一點(diǎn)!我們會(huì)找到她的。)
  • 17、calm down, you were just dreaming.(冷靜點(diǎn),你只是在做夢(mèng)呢。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 18、For one thing, I firmly believe that reading can increase our knowledge. For another, reading helps us tocalm down when we feel upset.(首先,我堅(jiān)信閱讀能增加我們的知識(shí)。另一方面,當(dāng)我們感到沮喪時(shí),閱讀幫助我們平靜下來(lái)。)
  • 19、What does the underlined phrase "calm down" mean in Chinese?(劃線短語(yǔ)“calmdown”在中文里是什么意思?)
  • 20、Taylor's swift action helped her teammatescalm down.(泰勒·斯威夫特的行為讓她的隊(duì)友冷靜了下來(lái)。)
  • 21、He just needs tocalm down a wee bit.(他只是需要稍微冷靜一點(diǎn)。)
  • 22、With our knowledge of torque...calm down.(通過(guò)學(xué)過(guò)力矩。,靜下來(lái)。)
  • 23、What the government should do is tocalm down the public whenever they are in panic.(政府應(yīng)該做的,是在公眾恐慌的時(shí)候讓他們安下心來(lái)。)
  • 24、I think everybody should justcalm down.(我想每個(gè)人都應(yīng)該冷靜下來(lái)。)
  • 25、He got scared at first, but then he tried tocalm down.(起初他很害怕,但后來(lái)他努力使自己平靜下來(lái)。)
  • 26、77 - "Pleasecalm down."(77-“請(qǐng)冷靜下來(lái)?!?
  • 27、She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make it hard for them tocalm down and sleep.(她說(shuō),這些睡前活動(dòng)會(huì)讓孩子們興奮不已,讓他們很難平靜下來(lái)睡覺(jué)。)
  • 28、The passengers often say that seeing animals makes them feel much better and helps them tocalm down before a flight.(乘客們經(jīng)常說(shuō),看到動(dòng)物讓他們感覺(jué)好多了,這可以幫助他們?cè)陲w行前冷靜下來(lái)。)
  • 29、Loud voice can usually make the attackercalm down.(響亮的聲音通常可以讓攻擊者冷靜下來(lái)。)

calm down基本釋義

calm down

英 [kɑ:m daun] 美 [kɑm da?n] 
(使)平靜; (使)安靜