call up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:55:30


call up造句

  • 1、It will be possible tocall up on a PC screen millions of volumes from distant libraries.(它可以在電腦屏幕上調(diào)用遠(yuǎn)程圖書庫中的數(shù)百萬冊(cè)書卷。)
  • 2、If I don't, Icall up the vendor and tell them to send me another processor.(如果不是,我會(huì)打電話給供應(yīng)商,讓他們給我派送另一臺(tái)處理器。)
  • 3、A module roughly corresponds to a page userscall up from their client browsers.(模塊大致上對(duì)應(yīng)于用戶從其客戶機(jī)瀏覽器中調(diào)用的頁面。)
  • 4、call up forgotten friends.(打個(gè)電話給淡忘的朋友。)
  • 5、call up your credit card company and ask for a lower interest rate on your card.(致電你的信用卡公司,詢問你卡上的較低利率。)
  • 6、From here, type root tocall up a friendly Bash prompt.(在這里,鍵入root調(diào)用一個(gè)友好的Bash提示符。)
  • 7、OK, I'llcall up again later.(好吧,我以后再來電話。)
  • 8、Humans, says Edward M. Hallowell, have the ability tocall up images of bad things that happened in the past and to anticipate future events.(愛德華·哈洛威爾說,人類有能力回憶過去發(fā)生的不好的事情,并預(yù)測(cè)未來的事件。)
  • 9、Apparently they were having issues with the laptop so theycall up my dad.(顯然兩個(gè)人在電腦使用問題上出了問題,所以她們打電話給我爸求救。)
  • 10、call up some friends and share some great moments together.(和朋友們一起分享一些美好時(shí)光。)
  • 11、Youcall up your computer code.(接著呼叫你的計(jì)算機(jī)代碼。)
  • 12、You, as an individual, cancall up your broker and say, I want to buy Google shares.(你作為個(gè)人,可以給經(jīng)紀(jì)人打電話說,我想買進(jìn)谷歌的股份)
  • 13、But inevitably, someone willcall up and want to hire me.(但是無法避免,有人會(huì)打電話說想請(qǐng)我做事。)
  • 14、Should Icall up the holographic psychiatrist?(需要我喚醒全息精神病學(xué)醫(yī)師嗎?)
  • 15、Let'scall up our buddies and have some beers.(那我打個(gè)電話通知大家出來一起喝幾杯啤酒。)
  • 16、The crying baby then could by no meanscall up his conscience.(哇哇啼哭的嬰兒也無法喚醒他的良知。)
  • 17、Satan has roused himself from off the burning marl, and he stands in order tocall up his fallen minions.(撒旦從燃燒的泥灰中蘇醒過來,站起來召喚著他同樣墮落了的隨從們。)
  • 18、We shouldcall up all our courage and persist in what you are engaged in.(我們應(yīng)當(dāng)鼓足勇氣,堅(jiān)持我們從事的事業(yè)。)
  • 19、When the lights come up at the end of the flick,call up a friend and loudly discuss how rude the guy texting throughout the entire movie was.(當(dāng)電影結(jié)束,燈光亮起時(shí),打電話給朋友,大聲討論那個(gè)家伙在看電影的整個(gè)過程都在發(fā)短信有多粗魯。)
  • 20、Instead, theycall up the past as they need it.(相反的,他們回想過去因?yàn)樗麄冃枰?
  • 21、Theycall up their broker and say, what's wrong?(他們會(huì)給經(jīng)紀(jì)人打電話,詢問是怎么回事?)
  • 22、That was fine for consumers, who couldcall up videos whenever they liked.(對(duì)于消費(fèi)者來說,這是一種不錯(cuò)的形式,因?yàn)榭梢噪S時(shí)打開視頻觀看。)
  • 23、Go take your phone book andcall up your good friends from the past.(拿起你的電話簿和老朋友聯(lián)系一下吧。)
  • 24、The sole aim of a metaphor is tocall up a visual image.(比喻的唯一目的是喚起視覺形象。)
  • 25、I'll justcall up a text file and start writing.(我打開一個(gè)文本文件就開始動(dòng)筆了。)
  • 26、Wecall up our friends.(我們召集朋友。)

call up基本釋義

call up

英 [k?:l ?p] 美 [k?l ?p] 
給 ... 打電話; 使想起; 召集; 征召