camping site造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:55:28


camping site造句

  • 1、Who are at thecamping site, too.(誰(shuí)也在野營(yíng)營(yíng)地呢?)
  • 2、Rhino camp site is a campsite run by women that provides camping services to visitors in Nakuru.(瑞諾營(yíng)地是一個(gè)由女人經(jīng)營(yíng)的營(yíng)地,為在納庫(kù)魯?shù)挠慰吞峁┞稜I(yíng)服務(wù)。)
  • 3、It rained throughout the festival and with more than 170,000 revellers walking around and camping on the grounds, it didn't take long for the site to turn into a mud bath.(整個(gè)音樂節(jié)都在下雨,有了17多萬(wàn)愛湊熱鬧的人的走動(dòng)扎營(yíng),沒多久,那地方就變成泥浴場(chǎng)了。)
  • 4、It isn't clear how many people were camping at the Texas site, known as the Debra L. Friedkin site, or for how long they lingered.(尚不清楚在得克薩斯這一被稱為DebraL.Friedkin的地點(diǎn)有多少人曾居住過(guò),以及居住了多久。)
  • 5、William Lindesay, a Briton who has spent nearly a quarter-century working on wall conservation, says he thinks camping at a World Heritage site is simply "unacceptable".(幾乎用了25年時(shí)間研究城墻保護(hù)的英國(guó)人威廉·林賽說(shuō),他完全不能接受在世界遺產(chǎn)地露營(yíng)這一行為。)
  • 6、Today, I went camping with my husband. We drove 11 hours to his favourite site before he remembered he didn't put the tent in the car. FML.(今天我跟丈夫去野營(yíng)。我們開車11個(gè)小時(shí)趕到他最喜歡的露營(yíng)地,然后發(fā)現(xiàn)他忘了把帳篷裝在車?yán)?。FML。)
  • 7、They are at acamping site.(他們正在一個(gè)野營(yíng)營(yíng)地里。)
  • 8、I am a fan of mountain climbing, rock climbing and trekking but boring traveling days are certainly not my cup of tea, then I manage to set up acamping site on the mountain right behind me.(我喜歡爬山徒步攀巖但不喜歡花大把時(shí)間往返奔波,所以我在距離大門口十六級(jí)臺(tái)階的地方安了個(gè)露營(yíng)區(qū);)
  • 9、The children and their teachers had a good time at thecamping site.(孩子們和他們的老師在野營(yíng)營(yíng)地度過(guò)了愉快的時(shí)光。)
  • 10、Under the shadow of trees, we don't have a specific purpose, just wandering in the forest. Here is not far from thecamping site on the summit.(走在林間,我們沒有目的,只是往前走,看有些什么好風(fēng)景。此地離山頂?shù)乃逘I(yíng)地不是很遠(yuǎn)。)
  • 11、This is their last summer vacationcamping site.(這就是他們?nèi)ツ晔罴僖盃I(yíng)的地點(diǎn)。)
  • 12、English: How do I book acamping site?(請(qǐng)問(wèn)我應(yīng)該怎樣預(yù)定一個(gè)宿營(yíng)車位?)

camping site基本釋義