
camping trip造句

camping trip造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:55:27


camping trip造句

  • 1、Allocate rations for a week - longcamping trip.(分配一星期外出野營的定額。)
  • 2、Now, to check the list of things we need for thecamping trip.(現(xiàn)在,讓我們檢查一下露營旅行所需物品的清單吧。)
  • 3、I can't believe there are so many things to buy for ourcamping trip.(我簡直不敢相信我們?nèi)ヂ稜I要買這么多東西。)
  • 4、I think I'm sick from thatcamping trip yesterday.(我想我是因?yàn)樽蛱炻稜I而生病了。)
  • 5、We went on acamping trip once in Italy and my wife spent the whole time worrying about bats getting into her hair.(有一次我們?nèi)ヒ獯罄稜I,我妻子一直擔(dān)心蝙蝠會(huì)鉆進(jìn)她的頭發(fā)里。)
  • 6、While Mom and Dad were having breakfast, Dan and Katie were packing for thecamping trip.(當(dāng)爸爸和媽媽吃早飯時(shí),丹和凱蒂收拾露營用的包裹。)
  • 7、He's allergic to crowds. He dresses as if life were one longcamping trip.(他不喜歡城市,對(duì)人群過敏,永遠(yuǎn)穿著一身隨時(shí)可以去露營的裝扮。)
  • 8、Ourcamping trip turned into an adventure when we got lost.(我們迷路了,這使我們的野營旅行變成了一次冒險(xiǎn)。)
  • 9、Is she complaining that it's too cold in the car on the way home from acamping trip?(她可曾在野營旅行回家的路上抱怨過車?yán)锾淞耍?
  • 10、We'll take only the necessities for thecamping trip.(我們將只攜帶野營旅行用的必需品。)
  • 11、Jack has all the equipment we will need for ourcamping trip.(杰克有我們露營將需要的全部設(shè)備。)
  • 12、Last summer my family and I went to the beach for a 1camping trip.(去年夏天,我和家人到河邊露營。)
  • 13、We have to make sure we have adequate food for ourcamping trip.(我們得確定露營的食物的量是足夠的。)
  • 14、We're going on acamping trip, acamping trip!(我們正在進(jìn)行野營旅行,一個(gè)野營旅行!)
  • 15、Have you packed your things for thecamping trip?(你把你野營時(shí)要用的東西打好包沒有?)
  • 16、The advice in this article will be helpful for anyone planning to go on acamping trip .(在這篇文章中的意見將是有益的,任何人打算去上露營。)
  • 17、The heavy workload forced me to cancel thecamping trip.(繁重的工作量迫使我取消去露營。)
  • 18、Are you interested in acamping trip in the near future?(你感興趣的露營在不久的將來?)
  • 19、Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go on acamping trip.(夏洛克·福爾摩斯和華生醫(yī)生正在進(jìn)行一次野營旅行。)
  • 20、Mother gave us the green light to go on thecamping trip this summer.(媽媽同意我們今年夏天去野營一次。)
  • 21、We gotta postpone thecamping trip.(我們得推遲野營了。)
  • 22、No Wonder you brought your quilt and pillow for thecamping trip.(難怪你來露營還帶著棉被和枕頭。)
  • 23、Taken early morning on acamping trip on Lake Hartwell in eastern Georgia.(這種照片拍攝在東格魯吉亞的哈特·韋爾湖的野營旅行時(shí)的清晨。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 24、Do we have everything for thecamping trip?(我們要去露營的東西都準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?)
  • 25、Ourcamping trip was spoilt by bad weather.(天氣不好,破壞了我們的露營旅行。)

camping trip基本釋義