
channel tunnel造句

channel tunnel造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:54:38


channel tunnel造句

  • 1、Recently, there has again been great interest in the idea of achannel tunnel.(近來,對英吉利海峽隧道的念頭有了很大興趣。)
  • 2、Once through, you're into what was the sea wall and a small beach, but is now a nature reserve, created out of the spoil of thechannel tunnel.(出了隘口,你就看見了海堤,還有一片小小的沙灘,現(xiàn)在這里是從英吉利海峽隧道棄土中開發(fā)出的一片自然保護區(qū)。)
  • 3、A high-speedchannel tunnel train takes you to the sights in Paris.(高速的海峽隧道火車帶你領略巴黎的風光。)
  • 4、As for thechannel tunnel, please note that advance booking are essential.(至于海峽隧道,請記住必須預定。)
  • 5、In 1986, The anglo-frenchchannel tunnel treaty signed officially.(1986年,英法海峽隧道條約正式簽字。)
  • 6、"I hitchhiked to thechannel tunnel, got a free ride as the passenger of a French woman and hitched to Brittany," she said.(說:“先搭順風車到了隧道口,然后又到一位法國女士把免費帶到了目地。”)
  • 7、Whether thechannel tunnel should be built or not is a knotty point.(該不該修英吉利海峽隧道,是一個難以決定的復雜問題。)
  • 8、Trains will speed through thechannel tunnel at 186mph.(火車將以每小時186英里的速度快速穿過海峽隧道。)
  • 9、Thechannel tunnel connected Britain to Europe.(英法海底隧道把英國和歐洲連接起來了。)
  • 10、The world had to wait almost another 100 years (21) thechannel tunnel.(世人不得不再等上差不多100年才看到海峽隧道的建成。)
  • 11、Eurostar trains have four different power systems for France, Belgium, thechannel tunnel and the London commuter lines they had to use while waiting for the high-speed link to open.(在等候高速連接開通的同時,歐洲之星列車針對法國,比利時,海峽隧道以及倫敦等必須使用的車道,擁有四套不同的電力系統(tǒng)。)
  • 12、Elise Wasserman and Karl Roebuck investigate when a couple are abducted from thechannel tunnel in front of their young daughter.(伊莉斯·沃瑟曼和卡爾·羅巴克公司調查當一對夫婦被拐賣從英吉利海峽隧道在他們年輕的女兒面前。)
  • 13、A host of problems may delay the opening of thechannel tunnel.(可能推遲英吉利海峽隧道開通的問題一大筐。)
  • 14、A giant set of Olympic rings has been unveiled at the entrance to thechannel tunnel in France.(法國英倫海峽海底隧道入口處掛起一副奧運五環(huán)的巨大塑像。)
  • 15、Thechannel tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe.(英吉利海峽隧道把英國和歐洲其他國家連接起來了。) hAo86.com
  • 16、Some of the worst affected travellers are those who had hoped to take thechannel tunnel rail service to France and Belgium.(受影響最嚴重的是希望通過英吉利海峽隧道前往法國和比利時的人。)
  • 17、French officials say a fire in thechannel tunnel is now largely extinguished but firefighters are still working to lower the temperature and cool down secondary blazes.(法國官員說,連接英國與法國的海底火車隧道的大火已經(jīng)基本撲滅,但是消防人員仍然在努力降低溫度并熄滅后續(xù)引發(fā)的火焰。)
  • 18、The world had to wait almost another 100 years for thechannel tunnel.(世界不得不再等將近100年才看到海峽隧道竣工。)
  • 19、This would exceed the combined lengths of the two longest undersea tunnels on Earth, the Seikan tunnel and thechannel tunnel.(這將超過地球上兩個最長的海底隧道青函隧道和英法隧道的長度總合。)
  • 20、Thechannel tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe.(英吉利海峽隧道對于建立一個統(tǒng)一的歐洲具有重大的象征意義。)
  • 21、He was helping wire up thechannel tunnel last season.(他上一季在協(xié)助英吉利海峽隧道的電纜鋪設工作。)
  • 22、The organizers hope to use the newchannel tunnel Rail Linkat St Pancras in central London to bring even more people to the Gaes.(組織者希望通過位于市中心且連接英倫海底隧道的圣潘克拉斯火車站運送更多人觀看奧運會。)
  • 23、Thechannel tunnel tells a different story.(英吉利海底隧道敘述著一個不同的故事。)
  • 24、The notion of achannel tunnel first saw the light of day more than a century ago .(海峽隧道的構想在一百多年前就已提出。)
  • 25、Travel under the English Channel and see for yourself on Megastructures: thechannel tunnel.(您可以在《偉大建筑巡禮:英法海底隧道》中一探英倫海峽究竟。)

channel tunnel基本釋義

channel tunnel

英 [?t??nl ?t?n?l] 美 [?t??n?l ?t?n?l] 
