
chamber music造句

chamber music造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:54:39


chamber music造句

  • 1、Capelle normally playedchamber music between 7 and 9 pm.(卡佩爾通常在晚上7點到9點之間演奏室內(nèi)樂。)
  • 2、LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN, in his late period, produced some of the most sublimechamber music ever written.(路德維格·范·貝多芬在其晚年創(chuàng)作出一些最為卓越的室內(nèi)樂。)
  • 3、The university has an orchestra that plays excellentchamber music.(這所大學(xué)有一支能演奏極好的室內(nèi)音樂的樂隊。)
  • 4、Operas, orchestral performances,chamber music and jazz concerts are often presented on television.(電視屏幕上經(jīng)常播放歌劇、管弦樂、室內(nèi)音樂和爵士音樂演奏。)
  • 5、The rise of piano, standardisation of the orchestra, sonata form ,chamber music, symphony, balance, enlightenment, absolute music, concerto, homophonic.(鋼琴地位的提升,管弦樂隊的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)編制,奏鳴曲式,室內(nèi)樂,交響樂,音樂平衡感,音樂教化作用,純音樂,協(xié)奏曲,主調(diào)音樂。)
  • 6、chamber music is written for a small group of instrument.(室內(nèi)樂是為一小部分樂器而寫的。)
  • 7、At Cothen he composed some of his finestchamber music music written for a small number of players.(在寇頓,他創(chuàng)作了一些他最優(yōu)美的室內(nèi)樂(一種只為少數(shù)幾個樂師演奏而譜寫的樂曲)。)
  • 8、He had in addition written six symphonies by the time he was 20, and also muchchamber music, piano sonatas, church music, and operas.(此外,他20歲時,就已經(jīng)創(chuàng)作了六部交響曲,而且還創(chuàng)作了很多室內(nèi)樂、鋼琴奏鳴曲、教堂音樂和歌劇。)
  • 9、These joint undertakings are like, you might think of them analogous to playingchamber music with a string quartet.(這些共同行為就像,你可以把它們想象成弦樂四重奏演奏的室內(nèi)樂。)
  • 10、Accordionchamber music is one of accordion performing styles, which appears at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe.(手風(fēng)琴室內(nèi)樂是手風(fēng)琴演奏形式之一,最早出現(xiàn)在十九世紀(jì)末的歐洲。)
  • 11、I don 't like opera;chamber music is more my style.(我不愛看歌劇,喜歡聽室內(nèi)樂。)
  • 12、So the history of Western music, handed down only so muchchamber music, Waltz.(于是西方音樂史上才流傳下如此多的室內(nèi)樂、圓舞曲。)
  • 13、World-classchamber music performance.(世界級水平的室內(nèi)樂演奏。)
  • 14、His works include operas, symphonic, choral andchamber music.(他的作品包括歌劇,交響樂,合唱和室內(nèi)樂。)
  • 15、It's simply greatchamber music, which demands of both musicians a supreme willingness to listen and a supreme readiness to be honest.(這根本就是非常了不起的室內(nèi)樂,它要求兩位音樂家最高的傾聽準(zhǔn)備和真誠的態(tài)度。)
  • 16、The music of concert includes thechamber music and the symphony.(音樂會音樂方面有室內(nèi)樂、交響樂。)
  • 17、I love learning, too, from mychamber music partners.(我也愛從室內(nèi)樂的伙伴那里學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 18、I do not like opera;chamber music is more my style.(我不愛看歌??;室內(nèi)樂是我喜歡的。)
  • 19、Then someone invited me round for a bit ofchamber music.(隨后,有人邀請我淺嘗一下室內(nèi)樂。)
  • 20、The theaters can accommodate performances of ballet opera, symphonies,chamber music modern dramas, and musicals.(該影院可容納演出的芭蕾舞歌劇,交響樂,室內(nèi)樂現(xiàn)代戲劇,音樂劇等。)
  • 21、In his entire lifetime, he completed over 100 works, including symphonies, concertos,chamber music, songs, piano sonatas, operas and ballets.(他一生創(chuàng)作了100多部作品,體裁上有交響樂、協(xié)奏曲、室內(nèi)樂、歌曲、鋼琴奏鳴曲、歌劇和芭蕾舞曲。) hao86.com
  • 22、He has mastered enough of the complexities of arrangement to write and score a piece for achamber music ensemble.(他對改編的復(fù)雜之處已有了足夠的掌握,能夠譜寫一部室內(nèi)合奏曲了。)
  • 23、What I feel now is a sense of bafflement: why did I deprive myself the pleasure ofchamber music for so long?(我現(xiàn)在有些困惑:為什么讓自己遠(yuǎn)離室內(nèi)樂的快樂有如此之久?)
  • 24、His position in the history of church music and vocalchamber music is somewhat similar to that of Cavalli in the history of opera.(他在教堂音樂和聲樂室音樂史上的地位有點類似卡瓦利是在歌劇的歷史。)
  • 25、The subtle orchestration Thechamber music-like subtle orchestration reflects Shostakovich's unique compositional style.(室內(nèi)樂般微妙的配器法體現(xiàn)了肖斯塔科維奇獨特的作曲風(fēng)格。)
  • 26、It's often a lack of interest inchamber music, a genre that lies somewhat off the beaten track.(這往往是對室內(nèi)樂缺乏興趣所致,室內(nèi)樂被印在全部演出節(jié)目單右邊或左邊的狹長位置。)

chamber music基本釋義

chamber music

英 [?t?eimb? ?mju:zik] 美 [?t?emb? ?mjuz?k] 

