
chat room造句

chat room造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:54:34


chat room造句

  • 1、Can I invite friends to thechat room?(我可以邀請朋友到這聊天室嗎?)
  • 2、Gavin carried out in-depth interviews with 42 regularchat room users aged 19 to 26 years.(加文對42名年齡從19到26歲的聊天室??瓦M行了深度采訪。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、He keeps in touch with his friends in thechat room on the net.(他在網(wǎng)上的聊天室與朋友保持聯(lián)系。)
  • 4、Did you leave thechat room early this afternoon?(你今天下午很早離開聊天室的嗎?)
  • 5、Offenders spend at least eight hours a day entering data and can only see visitors in thechat room once a week.(犯人每天至少要花費8小時來輸入數(shù)據(jù),并且每周僅有一次在聊天室見探訪者的機會。)
  • 6、Once I log on to the Internet, I can almost always find him in thechat room.(每次上網(wǎng)我?guī)缀蹩偸悄軌蛟谀情g聊天室里找到他。)
  • 7、As achat room.(當做聊天室。)
  • 8、There is achat room "that is invite only, with a dozen or so people," he said, that pick the targets and the time of attack.(有一個聊天室“為邀請制,12個人左右”他說,由他們挑選目標及攻擊時間。)
  • 9、He set up a Web sitechat room for people to discuss Suggestions.(他還建立了網(wǎng)站聊天室以供大家討論、提建議。)
  • 10、I vowed to never go into achat room again.(我發(fā)誓永遠不再進任何聊天室聊天了。)
  • 11、In thischat room, parents talk about some of the problems they have with their children.(在這個聊天室里,家長們談論他們和孩子之間的一些問題。)
  • 12、But unfortunately thechat room is still not complete, because it needs to handle errors and non transient failures.(但是遺憾的是這個聊天室依然還沒有完,因為它還需要處理錯誤和非暫時性故障。)
  • 13、I know Elyn you've use achat room, right?(我知道你常在聊天室聊天,對吧?)
  • 14、The following are the posts in an Internetchat room.(以下是一個網(wǎng)絡聊天室的帖子。)
  • 15、Thechat room gave citizens a chance to vent their anger.(聊天室為市民發(fā)泄自己的怒氣提供了機會。)
  • 16、This enables long-lived client connections such as those inchat room applications.(這能允許聊天室之類的應用有長客戶端連接。)
  • 17、We both privately paged each other so much, we went in a privatechat room.(我們私下里呼叫對方數(shù)次,進入了私人聊天室,聊各自的事兒足聊了三小時。)
  • 18、He met his girlfriend through a publicchat room.(他是在一個公共聊天室認識他女友的。)
  • 19、Applications includechat room, discussion, event planning, and meeting materials.(Applications包括聊天室、討論、事件計劃和會議材料。)
  • 20、We met in achat room.(我們是在聊天室里認識的。)

chat room基本釋義
