catch at造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:54:58


catch at造句

  • 1、He left a note at the scene of the crime, challenging detectives to catch him.(他在作案現(xiàn)場留了一張紙條,挑釁偵探們?nèi)プニ?
  • 2、You shouldcatch at least two mackerels.(你至少得釣兩條青魚。)
  • 3、A a drowning man willcatch at a straw.(人快淹死時,稻草也要抓。病急亂投醫(yī)。)
  • 4、This is another kind of thinking that gives youcatch at right Swadhisthana.(這是另一種思考使你的右腹輪阻塞。)
  • 5、A drowning man willcatch at a straw.(快淹死的人連草也要抓。)
  • 6、It was terrible at first, especially getting up before dawn to catch that 6:30 train.(一開始很糟糕,尤其是黎明前起床趕6點半的火車。)
  • 7、You can always catch up at the end of 30 days.(30天之后你還是能趕上形勢的。)
  • 8、I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. so that I can catch the first bus.(我必須5點起床,才能趕上頭班車。)
  • 9、Owls often fly out at night. They can catch mice.(貓頭鷹通常在晚上飛到外面覓食。它們會抓老鼠。)
  • 10、At last the old Fox thought up a way to catch the little Red Hen.(終于,老狐貍想出了一條抓小紅母雞的妙計。)
  • 11、Tonight is your last chance to catch the play at your local theatre.(今晚是你在本地劇院看上這出戲的最后一次機會。)
  • 12、He failed to hold acatch at cricket.(他在打板球時有一只球沒有接到。)
  • 13、Generally, it's better to catch these at compile time rather than at runtime.(通常,最好在編譯時間捕獲問題而不是在運行時。)
  • 14、Drowning man willcatch at a straw.(溺水的人一根草也要抓。病急亂投醫(yī)。)
  • 15、At first I didn't catch on, then I suddenly saw the light.(始而不解,繼而恍然。)
  • 16、A man across shouted at me swim here we'll catch you.(對過有位男士向我大喊道,游到這兒來,我們會抓住你!)
  • 17、He willcatch at any chance to make money.(他抓住一切機會賺錢。)
  • 18、He drove at top speed in order to catch the plane.(他為了能趕上飛機而以最快的速度行駛。)
  • 19、A drowning man willcatch at straw.(人快淹死時,稻草也要抓。)
  • 20、Then they sell theircatch at price too low for the local fish industry to compete.(然后,他們把捕獲物以極低的價格賣出,以至于當?shù)氐臐O業(yè)無法無其競爭。)
  • 21、Once back at school, children rarely get extra teaching, and are told to catch up as best they can.(一旦回到學校,孩子們很少受到額外的教育,并被告知要盡力趕上進度。)
  • 22、Let me catch you at it again!(別讓我再看見你這么干!)
  • 23、They stand at the window and catch the pilot's eye, pulling long faces.(他們站在窗口,看著飛行員的眼睛,還做著看起來很傷心的鬼臉。)
  • 24、Nevercatch at a falling knife.(千萬不要試圖接住掉落的刀。)

catch at基本釋義

catch at

英 [k?t? ?t] 美 [k?t? ?t] 

設(shè)法抓住; 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正在干…; 接受