catch bus造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:54:57


catch bus造句

  • 1、Where can I catch a bus to go to Boston?(我在哪里可坐到去波士頓的車?)
  • 2、Once you catch yourself, you can say, "Okay, I know all I'm doing is going around in circles." So I'm getting off this bus.(當(dāng)你把自己抓現(xiàn)行時(shí),你可以說:“好吧,我知道我所做的一切只是在兜圈子?!?
  • 3、I'm afraid it's too late to catch the first bus.(趕頭班車恐怕來不及了。)
  • 4、Experts say aging bus parts and accessories are easy to catch fire.(專家指出,巴士起火與車齡大、零件老化有密切關(guān)系。)
  • 5、He ran for 40 minutes to catch the football team's bus, only to find it had just left.(為趕上球隊(duì)班車,他一路狂跑40分鐘,可還是差了一點(diǎn)沒趕上。)
  • 6、I've gotta catch the bus.(我要去趕公共汽車了。)
  • 7、I must go—I have a bus to catch.(我必須走了—我得去趕公共汽車。)
  • 8、Holding her certificate, she couldn't help recalling those disappointing moments: unable tocatch bus on time, late for dinner and so on.(手里拿著畢業(yè)證書,她不由回想起過去那些令人失望的片刻:不能按時(shí)趕上公共汽車,晚餐遲到等等。)
  • 9、We needn't hurry; there's ample time to catch our bus.(我們不需要著急。有足夠的時(shí)間趕上巴士。)
  • 10、If they don’t walk, they’re running to catch a cab, or standing in a crowded bus line.(如果不走路的話他們就跑著去搶出租車或者去擠繁忙的公交車。)
  • 11、When you catch the bus you are also at risk of catching a nasty bug that has come along for the ride.(搭乘公交車的同時(shí)也意味著你將面臨隨之而來的惡劣的危害。)
  • 12、I could always catch the bus up later in Istanbul or Sofia.(我可以搭乘后面的巴士到伊斯坦布爾或索菲亞。)
  • 13、And don't try to catch a bus here from Khiva. Get a shared taxi.(隨身攜帶美元現(xiàn)金,不要去搭乘從這里到希瓦的巴士,可以和別人合租出租車。)
  • 14、She didn't catch the bus this morning.(她今天早上沒趕上公共汽車。)
  • 15、I have to catch the last bus home.(我要去趕最后一班車回家。)
  • 16、I was lucky enough to catch the last bus.(我真幸運(yùn)趕上了最后一班公共汽車。)
  • 17、Then catch a bus to Nairobi.(然后搭乘巴士去內(nèi)羅畢。)
  • 18、I got up early so that I could catch the early bus.(我起得很早為了能趕上早班車。)
  • 19、Where can I catch a bus to the International Exhibition Center?(哪里能搭乘公共汽車去國(guó)際展覽中心?)
  • 20、I tried to catch the bus but couldn't make it.(我想趕上公共汽車,但沒能趕上。)
  • 21、We started early so that we could catch the early bus.(我們起早,為了能夠趕上早班車。)
  • 22、When you knock off work, you'll be just in time to catch that bus.(你下班時(shí)坐這趟車正好。)
  • 23、Travel to school: tram 70 and 75 from front door to tram stop 36 (corner Auburn Road) then walk (orcatch bus 624) to school (10 minutes).(去學(xué)校:電車70和75個(gè)從前門電車停止36(角落紅褐色路)然后走(或趕上公共汽車624號(hào))上學(xué)(10分鐘)。)
  • 24、I had to run like mad to catch the bus.(為了趕上公共汽車,我不得不拼命跑。)
  • 25、I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. so that I can catch the first bus.(我必須5點(diǎn)起床,才能趕上頭班車。)

catch bus基本釋義