
CD Walkman造句

CD Walkman造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:54:50


CD Walkman造句

  • 1、Digital music players, such as the Apple iPod have disrupted similar products like the CD-based walkman.(數(shù)碼音樂播放器,如蘋果公司的iPod就對基于隨身聽的CD這類產(chǎn)品造成了破壞。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 2、Sony has sold 385 million Walkman machines worldwide in 30 years as it evolved from playing cassettes to compact disks then minidisks - a smaller version of the CD - and finally digital files.(索尼在30年賣了385百萬個隨身聽錄音機(jī)機(jī)器全世界,它從演奏卡式磁帶演變了對雷射唱片然后迷你激光唱片-CD的一個更小的版本-和最后數(shù)字式文件。)
  • 3、WhoseCD Walkman is it?(這是誰的光盤隨聲聽?)
  • 4、Apply for digital camera, MP3, CD, MP4, walkman after charge fully.(充電電池充滿后可適合數(shù)碼相機(jī)、MP3、CD、MP4、隨身聽等使用。)
  • 5、Suddenly I saw aCD Walkman under the seat in front of me.(突然,在我前面的座位下我看見一個光盤隨身聽。)

CD Walkman基本釋義