
a handful of造句

a handful of造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:02:00


a handful of造句

  • 1、Here area handful of tips that will get you started.(下面則是一些幫助你開始的小技巧。)
  • 2、a handful of onlookers stand in the field watching.(少數(shù)旁觀者站在場地里觀看。)
  • 3、He grabbeda handful of hair and jerked at it.(他抓住一把頭發(fā)猛拉。)
  • 4、He picked upa handful of dirt and threw it at them.(他抓起一把土朝他們?nèi)舆^去。)
  • 5、Onlya handful of these lost jobs have come back, so far.(到目前為止,這些損失的工作崗位只有一少部分得到恢復(fù)。)
  • 6、But really, they've only been togethera handful of times.(他們在一起的時間的確很少。)
  • 7、a handful of them can even read large print.(一少部分人甚至可以看大幅的圖畫。)
  • 8、Onlya handful of currencies are close to their Big Mac PPP.(只有一小部分貨幣接近它們的巨無霸購買力平價。)
  • 9、Onlya handful of people came.(只有少數(shù)幾個人來了。)
  • 10、Onlya handful of attacks make headlines.(僅有少數(shù)海盜襲擊事件登上報紙頭條。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 11、He put in his hand and pulled outa handful of gold coins.(他從里面掏出一把金幣來。)
  • 12、a handful of junior officers were made to bear responsibility for the incident.(幾名下級軍官被迫對此事件負(fù)責(zé)。)
  • 13、Eata handful of walnuts before bed.(睡前吃一小把核桃。)
  • 14、a handful of diamonds that glow from morning to evening.(一把從早到晚都閃耀的寶石。)
  • 15、This is just one ofa handful of theories, mind.(請注意,這只是少數(shù)理論之一。)
  • 16、a handful of dirt, a breath, and behold Adam.(一撮土,一口氣,你就有了亞當(dāng)。)
  • 17、Race officials announceda handful of new sponsors on Tuesday.(比賽官員們星期二公布了幾位新贊助人。)
  • 18、Saying it is like eatinga handful of sand.(讀起來如同在吃一把沙子。)
  • 19、a handful of legal skirmishes have strengthened his hand.(一連串的法律糾紛反倒鞏固了他的統(tǒng)治法理。)
  • 20、It's currently home to 2,500 people and all buta handful of them indigenous Inuit.(目前這里居住著2500人,只有少數(shù)土著因紐特人。)
  • 21、Here'sa handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.(這里有一些方法可以幫你找到正確的方向。)
  • 22、They constitute buta handful of the number.(他們只不過是其中的一小撮。)
  • 23、a handful of edamame, a little tofu in soup, is enough.(湯里一把毛豆,一點豆腐就已經(jīng)足夠了。)
  • 24、There are justa handful of miners at our destination.(只有幾名礦工在我們的目的地。)
  • 25、I already havea handful of really wonderful friends.(我已經(jīng)有幾個真正的知己。)
  • 26、Frank emptieda handful of loose change on the table.(弗蘭克將一把零錢全部放在了桌子上。)
  • 27、Most supply thus comes froma handful of mines.(因此,大部分供應(yīng)來自少數(shù)幾個礦場。)
  • 28、Onlya handful of homegrown firms can say as much.(只有很少土生土長的企業(yè)有這種氣魄。)

a handful of基本釋義

a handful of

英 [? ?h?ndful ?v] 美 [e ?h?nd?f?l ?v] 
