
a matter of造句

a matter of造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:01:55


a matter of造句

  • 1、The government must deal with this asa matter of urgency.(政府必須將此事當(dāng)作緊急的事情來處理。)
  • 2、It was all over ina matter of minutes.(幾分鐘就全部結(jié)束了。)
  • 3、History is alwaysa matter of interpretation.(歷史總是一個詮釋的問題。)
  • 4、Partners of employees are invited asa matter of form.(按慣例,雇員的配偶受到了邀請。)
  • 5、Proving his innocence has becomea matter of honour.(證實(shí)他的清白已經(jīng)成了一件道義上的事。)
  • 6、It'sa matter of setting your own goals and following them.(這是一個設(shè)定自己的目標(biāo)并努力實(shí)現(xiàn)它們的問題。)
  • 7、Stress at work isa matter of concern to staff and management.(工作壓力是一件讓員工和管理人員都關(guān)切的事。)
  • 8、Dieting isa matter of disciplining yourself.(節(jié)食是自我控制的問題。)
  • 9、Withina matter of days she was back at work.(僅僅幾天之后,她又回來工作了。)
  • 10、It was largelya matter of trial and error.(這主要是個反復(fù)實(shí)驗(yàn)的問題。)
  • 11、Well, never mind, John, it's nota matter of life and death.(好了,別介意,約翰,這不是多么了不起的事情。)
  • 12、It'sa matter of personal preference.(那是個人的愛好問題。)
  • 13、We clean and repair the machines asa matter of routine.(我們定期清洗和修理機(jī)器。)
  • 14、This isa matter of the utmost importance.(這是個極其重要的問題。)
  • 15、The bullet missed her bya matter of inches.(子彈幾乎擦著她的身體飛過。)
  • 16、It's surely onlya matter of time before he is found, isn't it?(找到他只是個時間問題,對不對?)
  • 17、It's not justa matter of principle.(這不僅僅是個原則問題。)
  • 18、The colour and style isa matter of personal taste.(顏色和式樣是個人愛好問題。)
  • 19、I need to talk to you abouta matter of some delicacy.(我需要與你談個有點(diǎn)棘手的問題。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 20、Learning to drive is alla matter of coordination.(學(xué)開車主要是靠協(xié)調(diào)。)
  • 21、Observance of the law isa matter of principle for us.(遵守法律對于我們是一個原則問題。)
  • 22、What she said isa matter of complete indifference to me.(她的話對于我來說完全無關(guān)緊要。)
  • 23、There wasa matter of some delicacy on which he would be grateful for her advice.(有一件棘手的事,若能得到她的指點(diǎn),他會感激不盡。)
  • 24、It now seems onlya matter of time before they resign.(如今看來,他們辭職只是個時間問題。)
  • 25、In the final analysis, it'sa matter of personal choice.(歸根結(jié)底,這是個人的選擇。)
  • 26、It'sa matter of the greatest importance to me.(這對我來說是最重要的事情。)
  • 27、She resigned overa matter of principle.(她因?yàn)樵瓌t問題而辭職。)
  • 28、This isa matter of some urgency.(這件事相當(dāng)緊迫。)
  • 29、We always check people's addresses asa matter of course.(我們總是照例檢查一下人們的地址。)
  • 30、It wasa matter of simple survival.(這完全是能不能生存的問題。)

a matter of基本釋義

a matter of

英 [? ?m?t? ?v] 美 [e ?m?t? ?v] 
關(guān)于 ... 的問題; 大約