
a host of造句

a host of造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:02:00


a host of造句

  • 1、The optimizer performs complex calculations based ona host of information.(優(yōu)化器根據(jù)許多信息執(zhí)行復(fù)雜的計算。)
  • 2、Preparations for the ‘09 season accelerate witha host of car launches.(隨著新車陸續(xù)發(fā)布,09賽季的準(zhǔn)備工作開始加速。)
  • 3、Ginger: Ginger containsa host of health benefits.(姜:姜對健康有很多益處。)
  • 4、a host of friends meet him at the railroad station.(一大群朋友在火車站迎接他。)
  • 5、a host of new legal questions will also have to be answered.(很多新的法律問題將同樣給予回答。)
  • 6、And for good reason: Plants offera host of health benefits.(因?yàn)橛泻玫睦碛桑褐参锾峁┯嘘P(guān)健康的許多好處。)
  • 7、a host of problems may delay the opening of the new bridge.(一大堆問題也許會延遲新建橋梁的開通。)
  • 8、Resentment hatred ill will and hostility are behinda host of maladies.(怨恨、憎恨、惡意、敵意這些是導(dǎo)致大量病痛的誘因。)
  • 9、A machine designed for remote areas with bumpy roads anda host of other calamities.(這臺機(jī)器是為偏遠(yuǎn)地區(qū)崎嶇不平的道路和許多其他災(zāi)難而設(shè)計的。)
  • 10、The study opens upa host of questions for future research.(這項(xiàng)研究為今后的科研拓展了廣闊的空間。)
  • 11、From Cain and Lilith camea host of demons and vampires in the vague myths.(從此,該隱和莉莉絲在朦朧的神話里成為了眾魔和吸血鬼的主人。)
  • 12、Alumni newsletters from a college containa host of personal information.(大學(xué)校友薄則包含大量的個人信息。)
  • 13、It has oil, gold, chromium, iron ore anda host of other minerals.(擁有石油、黃金、鉻、鐵礦石和大量的其他礦產(chǎn)。)
  • 14、In addition to the classics, the new e-books will includea host of Rough Guide titles.(除了經(jīng)典著作,新的電子圖書將包括大量出版社的圖書品種。)
  • 15、Beyond CSS, the IE team is consideringa host of other features.(除了css,IE小組還在考慮一批別的特性。)
  • 16、Obesity is associated witha host of health problems.(肥胖癥往往與許多健康問題有關(guān)。)
  • 17、He lefta host of other riders trailing in his slipstream.(他把其他摩托車手都甩到后面去了。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 18、The Tang Dynasty produceda host of great poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi.(唐朝有許多大詩人,如李白、杜甫、白居易等。)
  • 19、There'sa host of fans of the series who are upset with the way the film turned out.(很多影迷都對這部電影的結(jié)局感到不滿。)
  • 20、This raisesa host of questions.(隨之而來是一大堆問題。)
  • 21、a host of deities and spirits follow him, each fulfilling his own function.(一大群神靈和靈魂跟隨他,每一個都履行各自的職能。)
  • 22、The two incidents raisea host of questions for the foundation.(這兩個事件給基金會帶了了一大堆的問題。)
  • 23、Yet this most fundamental standard of historical periodization concealsa host of paradoxes.(然而,這種歷史分期最基本的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)掩蓋了大量的悖論。)
  • 24、But they are also creatinga host of new problems.(但是它們也帶來許多新的問題。)
  • 25、a host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him.(一大堆惱人的心事涌上他的心頭。)
  • 26、A real pandemic, of course, would throw upa host of other problems.(當(dāng)然,真正的禽流感大流行還會引發(fā)一大堆其它問題。)
  • 27、Red ink laps arounda host of other Banks too.(很多其它銀行也亮起了紅燈。)

a host of基本釋義