act on造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:01:24


act on造句

  • 1、We mustact on chance when we have the choice.(當(dāng)我們選擇時就要好好把握這個機會。)
  • 2、Why didn't youact on her suggestion?(你為什么沒有按照她的建議去做呢?)
  • 3、And theyact on their belief.(并且他們也按這一信念行動起來。)
  • 4、Why notact on intention, on desire?(為什么不依照意愿和愿望而行動?)
  • 5、We need toact on a Europe-wide scale.(我們得在全歐洲范圍內(nèi)采取行動。)
  • 6、A patient will usually listen to the doctor's advice andact on it.(病人通常會聽從醫(yī)生的建議并且按照它行動。)
  • 7、"It seemed like the perfect chance for natural selection toact on a population," said Dr. Ilardo.(“這似乎是自然選擇在一個群體中發(fā)揮作用的完美機會?!币晾瓲柖嗖┦空f。)
  • 8、As soon as you gather some information,act on it!(一旦你收集到一些信息,按照信息行事!)
  • 9、We must notact on assumptions.(我們不能憑想當(dāng)然辦事。)
  • 10、So these are the only forces thatact on this object.(所以這些是物體上,僅存的作用力。)
  • 11、I canact on them. And I do.(我會付諸行動,而且我愿意這么做。)
  • 12、Which should weact on first?(哪一個應(yīng)當(dāng)放在第一位?)
  • 13、Senators have yet toact on the legislation.(但議員還是要執(zhí)行法律。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 14、The rest of us neveract on our decision.(而剩下的我們根本沒有將決定付諸行動。)
  • 15、Don'tact on hunches,act on facts.(不要在預(yù)感的基礎(chǔ)上采取行動,在事實基礎(chǔ)上行動吧。)
  • 16、Anger can be a signal that we might need toact on our own behalf.(憤怒是一個信號,表明我們可能需要代表自己采取行動。)
  • 17、"The basic compact underlying representative government," wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the court, "assumes that public officials will hear from their constituents andact on their concerns."(首席大法官約翰·羅伯茨寫道:“代議制政府的基本契約假定,公職人員將聽取選民的意見,并根據(jù)他們關(guān)心的事情行事?!?
  • 18、How does the brakeact on the paraglider airfoil?(剎車是如何作用于滑翔傘的機翼的?)
  • 19、A post explaining how to ask for andact on feedback.(一篇文章,解釋了如何要求并對反饋付諸行動?)
  • 20、Congress found it difficult toact on these problems.(國會發(fā)現(xiàn),要想在這些問題上采取行動是很困難的。)
  • 21、He tends toact on impulse.(他往往憑一時沖動行事。)
  • 22、You must alsoact on the code.(您還必須對此代碼進(jìn)行某些處理。)
  • 23、Set your goal, make a plan, thenact on it.(設(shè)定目標(biāo),制定一個計劃,然后采取行動。)
  • 24、All the material about self-development in the world is worthless if we neveract on it.(如果我們不去實踐,在這世界上所有有關(guān)自我發(fā)展的材料都是毫無價值的。)
  • 25、When toact on your own and when to consult.(什么時候該獨自行動而什么時候該請示。)
  • 26、The subscribers can thenact on the event.(然后訂閱者可以對事件采取行動。)

act on基本釋義

act on

英 [?kt ?n] 美 [?kt ɑn] 