act up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:24


act up造句

  • 1、You mustact up to your promise.(你必須實(shí)踐自己的諾言。)
  • 2、Pleaseact up the dialogue in pairs .(請兩人一組表演這個(gè)對話。)
  • 3、If youact up to your promise, we are going on cooperating with you.(如果你遵守你的諾言,我們將繼續(xù)同你合作。)
  • 4、They expect some high school students toact up but figure those who get to college will behave more maturely.(他們以為中學(xué)生會調(diào)皮搗蛋,但覺得上了大學(xué)的人行為舉止會成熟些了。)
  • 5、act up to your belief.(按你的信念辦。)
  • 6、We shouldact up, push myself, supervision and mom and dad, do good members of society.(我們應(yīng)該行動起來,督促自己,監(jiān)督爸爸媽媽,做社會的好公民。)
  • 7、The car 'engine is beginning toact up .(汽車引擎開始出毛病了。)
  • 8、The car's engine is beginning toact up.(這輛車的引擎開始出毛病了。)
  • 9、Curriculum leadership requires structure to maintains andact up.(課程領(lǐng)導(dǎo)需要一定的組織結(jié)構(gòu)來維持和運(yùn)作。)
  • 10、The bird said, I'm sorry for my behaviour and will neveract up again.(小鳥說:“我很抱歉我的行為,我將不再這樣做了?!?
  • 11、Sometimes theyact up and force you to take a stand.(有時(shí)因?yàn)樗麄儫o理取鬧或者強(qiáng)迫你表明立場。)
  • 12、Much like a computer, we only have space for so much, until our own hard drive (mind) starts toact up.(就像一臺電腦,除非電腦的硬盤壞了(這里是我們的大腦),否則會用空間來存儲大量的信息。)
  • 13、Watch Ricky. He sometimes likes toact up in class.(注意里基,他有時(shí)喜歡在課堂上搗亂。)
  • 14、The children started toact up as soon as the teacher left the room.(老師一離開教室,孩子們就鬧起來了。)
  • 15、But you didn'tact up to your principle.(但你并沒有按你的原則辦。)
  • 16、The car's engine began toact up.(汽車的發(fā)動機(jī)開始出毛病了。)
  • 17、Continually heavy rain made some riversact up.(連續(xù)不斷的大雨造成一些河流泛濫。)
  • 18、What you say means very little unless youact up to it.(你要是說而不做,你的話就沒有多大意思了。)
  • 19、The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined toact up with an unaccustomed rider.(年輕牧民輕快地躍上一匹慣于對生人使性子的馬。)
  • 20、"Look," he said to Cass, "youact up again and you're out."(“聽著,”他跟卡絲說,“你再胡鬧就出去?!?
  • 21、If the pressure is too low, the heating system willact up.(如果壓力太低,供暖系統(tǒng)就會出毛病。)
  • 22、If the pressure is too low, the central heating system willact up.(如果壓力太低,集中供暖系統(tǒng)就會出毛病。)
  • 23、Narration is a basic speechact up on which people tell and retell their experience.(敘事是人類最基本的一種言語活動,是人們借以組織和重述人生經(jīng)驗(yàn)的主要模式。)

act up基本釋義

act up

英 [?kt ?p] 美 [?kt ?p] 
出毛病; 運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)不正常; 耍脾氣; 搗蛋