
action film造句

action film造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:23


action film造句

  • 1、From Spartacus to Starship Troopers, you can't beat a goodaction film.(從《斯巴達(dá)克斯》到《星際奇兵》,你無法抗拒一部部?jī)?yōu)秀的動(dòng)作大片。)
  • 2、I prefer a good comedy or anaction film.(我更喜歡看經(jīng)典的喜劇或者動(dòng)作片。)
  • 3、Theaction film features Keanu Reeves as an FBI agent who goes undercover to investigate a gang of surfing bank robbers.(該部動(dòng)作片刻畫了由基努·里維斯飾演的FBI探員一角,講述了他做臥底來調(diào)查一伙愛好沖浪的銀行劫匪的故事。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、This is the first live-action film that has its main character as a thoughtful feeling, self-aware animal. This is the Apes story.(這是第一次真人實(shí)景電影中,首度采用有感知能力的動(dòng)物為主角。這是一個(gè)主角是猩猩的故事。)
  • 5、The song, "Battle Declaration", features stirring lyrics set against orchestral music reminiscent of anaction film score.(這首名叫《戰(zhàn)斗宣言》的歌曲有著激動(dòng)人心的歌詞,在管弦樂的襯托下,令人想到動(dòng)作片的配樂。)
  • 6、This was my first time to saw her inaction film, and she was very young, but what she performed was pretty awesome!(這是我第一次在動(dòng)作片里看到她,她很年幼,不過她的表演卻相當(dāng)了不起。)
  • 7、Mamoru Oshii is a Japanese animation and live-action film writer and director famous for his philosophy-oriented storytelling.(押井守是日本著名的動(dòng)畫電影作家和導(dǎo)演,并以極富哲理的敘事方式而出名。)
  • 8、The basset hound was seen most prominently Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, and was a major plot point in his liveaction film, Avalon.(獵犬在《攻殼機(jī)動(dòng)隊(duì)2:無罪》中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn),而且在電影《阿瓦隆》中也是一個(gè)情節(jié)重點(diǎn)。)
  • 9、It's anaction film that starts as cartoon, then detours into identity crisis, since Hancock, suffering from amnesia, doesn't know who he really is.(它是一部有著卡通片式開頭的動(dòng)作片,然后繞到了身份危機(jī)的情節(jié)上——漢考克得了健忘癥,不記得自己是誰了。)
  • 10、Bo. your firstaction film. how are you feeling tonight.(博,你的第一部動(dòng)作電影今晚感覺如何?)
  • 11、This description can be used to describe any number of Westerns, as well as theaction film Die Hard.(上述內(nèi)容可用來描述任何一部西部片,也能用在動(dòng)作片《虎膽龍威》身上。)
  • 12、I saw anaction film starring Michelle Yeoh during the holiday.(假期中我看了一部楊紫瓊主演的動(dòng)作片。)
  • 13、Jolie stars in theaction film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, which included several scenes shot in Cambodia at Angkor Wat.(茱莉是動(dòng)作影片《古墓麗影》中的明星,該片的部分場(chǎng)景是在柬埔寨的吳哥窟拍攝的。)
  • 14、Anaction film that won over fans and critics alike.(電影的行動(dòng)贏得了球迷和樂評(píng)人如潮。)
  • 15、Why not get them their very own BARRICADE from the first Transformers liveaction film?(為什么不能讓人們擁有自己的第一部變形金剛真人電影的路障呢?)
  • 16、"Outside the Law" is a respectableaction film, which turns the spotlight on a disturbing episode of history.(《法外之徒》又是一部相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)的動(dòng)作片,聚焦于歷史上動(dòng)亂的片段。)
  • 17、Comic book writer Stan Lee, as always, has a cameo in the live-action film of his creation Iron Man.(同往常一樣,漫畫作家斯坦·李在由他創(chuàng)造的《鐵人》漫畫的真人版電影中有一個(gè)客串表演。)
  • 18、Wanted is a big oldaction film.(《刺客聯(lián)盟》就是一部動(dòng)作片。)
  • 19、The time-travelaction film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt.(穿越動(dòng)作片《Looper》,約瑟夫.高登,布魯斯.威利斯,艾米麗.布朗特眾星加盟。)
  • 20、But their latestaction film might have trouble finding a place on prime time TV.(然而,他們一起合作的新片卻恐怕很難在黃金時(shí)段放映。)
  • 21、Actually it's anaction film.(事實(shí)上是動(dòng)作片。)
  • 22、Razzies founder John Wilson described her as "Rambert - a female Rambo", as the singer only had 68 lines of dialogue in theaction film.(金酸莓獎(jiǎng)創(chuàng)始人約翰-威爾森評(píng)價(jià)她是“蘭博特”,也就是女版蘭博,因?yàn)樗谶@部動(dòng)作片中只有68句臺(tái)詞。)
  • 23、It was Angelina who said to me a couple of times, 'If you make anaction film and don't enjoy doing it there's no point in doing it.(其實(shí)是安潔莉娜有幾次對(duì)我說,如果你拍了一部動(dòng)作片,但一點(diǎn)都不享受在其中的話,那就沒有拍的意義。)

action film基本釋義