a sea of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:50


a sea of造句

  • 1、We must facea sea of troubles and bear them.(我們必須正視一大堆的錯(cuò)誤并忍受它。)
  • 2、His garden isa sea of flowers.(他的花園鮮花怒放。)
  • 3、Soon they were the only small house on the block, surrounded bya sea of McMansions.(可到后來(lái),這些人也就僅僅在街區(qū)里有個(gè)很小的房子,而且周?chē)际躯溈撕勒嫶蠖肺稑O差的房子)。)
  • 4、There wasa sea of faces on every scenic spot in China during Spring Festival.(春節(jié)期間,中國(guó)的每一個(gè)景點(diǎn)都是人山人海。)
  • 5、Are patients swimming ina sea of health information? Or are they drowning in it?(病人是在浩如海洋的健康信息里暢游,還是快被淹死了?)
  • 6、Before his eyes wasa sea of jubilant people.(他眼前是一片歡騰的人海。)
  • 7、You can see its pretty white gabled roof floating abovea sea of corn stubble.(從收割過(guò)的麥田望過(guò)去,你可以看見(jiàn)那些好看的人字形屋頂,像是漂浮在這一大片的麥田之上。)
  • 8、The crowd will no longer bea sea of obstacles, and the journey will feel like a game.(人群不再充斥著障礙,旅程更像是一場(chǎng)游戲。)
  • 9、We must facea sea of troubles and bear it.(我們必須面對(duì)海量的困難并忍受它。)
  • 10、It isa sea of aluminum and cardboard shacks that forgotten families call home.(這是一個(gè)鋁鐵皮和硬紙板窩棚的海洋,而被這些被遺忘的家庭稱為家。)
  • 11、She sawa sea of blank faces, except for Suzuki, who had his hand up.(除了鈴木舉手,別的同學(xué)臉上都是一片茫然。)
  • 12、Beneath the Sahara are huge aquifers, basicallya sea of fresh water, that's perhaps a million years old filtered through rock layers.(撒哈拉沙漠下面是巨大的含水層,基本上是一片淡水的海洋,那可能是經(jīng)過(guò)巖石層過(guò)濾的,已經(jīng)有一百萬(wàn)年歷史。)
  • 13、a sea of tourists walks passed the Shaolin Temple in Henan Province.(河南少林寺中游人如潮。)
  • 14、Now, it isa sea of highrises.(它是一個(gè)高層建筑大海。) hAo86.com
  • 15、Or to take arms againsta sea of troubles.(還是拿起武器面對(duì)苦海。)
  • 16、Our country is now ina sea of problems.(我們是一個(gè)國(guó)民堅(jiān)強(qiáng)又卓越的的國(guó)家。)
  • 17、Vast crowds had churned the field intoa sea of mud.(大批大批的人把場(chǎng)地踩得一片泥濘。)
  • 18、Can you imaginea sea of sand three times bigger than India?(你能想象一個(gè)比印度大三倍的沙海嗎?)
  • 19、Their bedrooms area sea of pink.(他們的臥室是一片粉紅色的海洋。)
  • 20、At dawn I looked out the window toa sea of people gathered around the house.(拂曉時(shí),我眺望窗外,看到房子外面圍了很多人。)
  • 21、Those who stick around are tired of living in a place where they can't even get to the market without swimming througha sea of picture snapping tourists.(那些留在這里的人也厭倦了生活在這樣一個(gè)地方,在這里,如果不游過(guò)拍照的游客的海洋,他們甚至都不能去市場(chǎng)。)
  • 22、When we arrive, we see a motorized plough sitting ina sea of weeds.(我們到達(dá)的時(shí)候,看到一個(gè)電動(dòng)犁躺在一堆雜草中間。)
  • 23、TRACK ACROSS the faces of the clan,a sea of eyes in flickering fire-light.(鏡頭搖過(guò)族人們的臉。無(wú)數(shù)的眼睛閃爍著火焰。)
  • 24、To see from the top of the tower, the foot of the mountain isa sea of trees.(從塔頂往下看,山下是成片的樹(shù)林。)
  • 25、I tried to be invisible withina sea of faces.(我盡力讓自己在人海里顯得毫不起眼。)
  • 26、Julia: in reality, we belong to one galaxy ina sea of galaxies.(朱莉婭:現(xiàn)實(shí)中,我們只是星系海洋中的一個(gè)星系。)
  • 27、Left, separated by less than a degree, the two crescents hover abovea sea of clouds.(左圖中,兩個(gè)月牙形分隔不到一度,在云海上照射光芒。)
  • 28、The square wasa sea of people.(廣場(chǎng)上人山人海。)
  • 29、She found herself swirling ina sea of resentment towards her abuser.(她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己將滿腔的憤恨都拋給了她的虐待者。)
  • 30、Inuit families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home bya sea of mud, following early thaws.(因紐特人的家庭為了準(zhǔn)備他們的夏季狩獵營(yíng)地而開(kāi)著雪地摩托外出,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)在早期解凍之后,他們被一片泥漿的海洋切斷了與家的聯(lián)系。)

a sea of基本釋義