a strip of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:49


a strip of造句

  • 1、Cell Side: The base (Celluloid) surface ofa strip of film.(賽璐珞面(片基面):一條膠片的片基(賽璐珞)表面。)
  • 2、Do not attempt to pull out the object, rather immobilize the dogs muzzle usinga strip of cloth or a muzzle.(不要試圖把東西拉出來(lái),而是用一條布或口罩將狗狗的口鼻固定住。)
  • 3、For measuring rotary acceleration this material can be in the form of a disk, for linear acceleration it is formed asa strip of metal (see picture on top).(旋轉(zhuǎn)加速度測(cè)量這種材料可以在一個(gè)磁盤的形式,線性加速把它當(dāng)作金屬帶組成(見上面圖片)。)
  • 4、a strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window.(窗格條窗戶上用來(lái)隔開和固定窗玻璃片的木條或者金屬條。)
  • 5、The runway is simplya strip of grass.(所謂跑道不過(guò)是一長(zhǎng)條草地而已。)
  • 6、The so-called buffer zone isa strip of land that borders Georgia and its breakaway region of South Ossetia.(這個(gè)所謂的緩沖區(qū)是格魯吉亞和分離地區(qū)南奧塞梯之間的地帶。)
  • 7、In one surprising finding, Povinelli correctly predicted that light being guided downa strip of silicon would exert a mechanical force on an adjacent strip.(在一次令人驚訝的發(fā)現(xiàn)中,米切爾·波維內(nèi)麗正確預(yù)測(cè)了被成功引導(dǎo)在一條硅片上的光可以對(duì)附近的另一條硅片產(chǎn)生機(jī)械力的作用。)
  • 8、He pushesa strip of animal hide through the hole. And - suddenly - you and I are born.(他讓一條獸皮通過(guò)孔洞,-突然-你和我都出生了。)
  • 9、He tied a metal key anda strip of silk to the kite line.(他把一把金屬鑰匙和一條絲綢系在風(fēng)箏線上。)
  • 10、Penfield discovered that each part of the body was clearly mapped out ina strip of cortex on the brain's opposite side.(潘菲爾德發(fā)現(xiàn)身體的每一部分都可以清楚地在相反的大腦一側(cè)皮質(zhì)帶上標(biāo)志出來(lái)。)
  • 11、In the international society, China and Japan are close neighbors separated only bya strip of water. They have intimate historical and cultural relations.(在國(guó)際社會(huì)中,中國(guó)與日本是一衣帶水的鄰國(guó),歷史和文化有著密切關(guān)系。)
  • 12、At first, you think it'sa strip of cloth hanging from a bush-perhaps something torn from the cloak of a traveler.(一開始,你以為那不過(guò)是誰(shuí)的斗篷上撕下來(lái)的一塊破布掛在灌木叢上。)
  • 13、Above, I could see onlya strip of starry sky, so close were the walls of the canyon and so dense the growth of ponderosa pine.(抬頭只能看見一長(zhǎng)條繁星密布的天空。峽谷的峭壁看起來(lái)離我那么近,黃松林長(zhǎng)得那么茂密。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 14、Philips, which is based in the Netherlands, has produceda strip of lighting made from OLEDs that can be powered directly from a mains electricity supply.(總部在荷蘭的飛利浦公司,利用OLEDs能夠直接通過(guò)一條電力網(wǎng)供能的特性,已制造出一條照明產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)線。)
  • 15、Straining to control a deafening, bucking, fuel-powered plough, Qing Zhongxing preparesa strip of land ahead of sowing next season's harvest of rapeseed.(秦中興(音譯)正在學(xué)習(xí)使用一臺(tái)轟鳴震動(dòng)的燃料動(dòng)力犁,把油菜地劃成一條一條,為來(lái)年的油菜籽收成作準(zhǔn)備。)
  • 16、As neighbors separated only bya strip of water, China and Japan have enjoyed close economic cooperation and frequent personnel exchanges.(中國(guó)和日本是一衣帶水的鄰邦,兩國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)合作密切,人員往來(lái)頻繁。)
  • 17、The sample still sits on a bookshelf in the office, sealed witha strip of yellow tape.(該樣品仍然在辦公室中的書架里,被用黃色的膠帶密封了起來(lái)。)
  • 18、Across the brown wrinkled forehead he drew a streak of white and along the high cheekbones he drewa strip of blue paint.(在老人皺紋密布的棕色前額上,他畫了一道白線,然后在老人高高的顴骨上,他畫了一條藍(lán)線。)
  • 19、Before the land reform my family hadn't a single room ora strip of land.(土改前我家房無(wú)一間,地?zé)o一壟。)
  • 20、Giving your cata strip of raw meat everyday to chew on will keep his gums and teeth in good condition.(每天給你的貓咪一塊生肉去咀嚼吧,這樣能使它的牙齦和牙齒保持健康。)
  • 21、Nestled in one of the city's quaintest streets, it sits in a newly created third floor abovea strip of old shop fronts.(這家餐廳坐落在上海一條頗為古色古香的街道上,在一排老門臉?lè)可厦婕由w的第三層上。)
  • 22、Among the lofty trees with broad leaves, we can see onlya strip of the sky.(四周樹林高大茂盛,抬頭僅能看到一塊天。)
  • 23、They were, by far, the largest and most distant objects that scientists had ever detected:a strip of enormous cosmic clouds some 15 billion light-years from earth.(它們是迄今為止科學(xué)家探測(cè)到的最大、最遙遠(yuǎn)的物體:一條巨大的宇宙云帶,距離地球約150億光年。)
  • 24、The sensory cortex isa strip of brain tissue positioned roughly under where the band between a pair of headphones sits.(感覺皮質(zhì)層是腦組織中的一部分,它在一對(duì)聽覺系統(tǒng)神經(jīng)下面。)
  • 25、Of course breakfast, you can sticka strip of half a slice of bread butter and jam.(當(dāng)然在早餐時(shí),可以在一長(zhǎng)條半片棍子面包上涂上黃油、果醬。)

a strip of基本釋義
