
a telephone booth造句

a telephone booth造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:01:48


a telephone booth造句

  • 1、The size of these cages vary by country but many bears suffer confinement in cages equivalent to the size ofa telephone booth turned on its side.(大小的鐵籠,這些不同的國家,但許多熊受到禁閉在鐵籠相等于大小的一個電話亭拒絕就其副作用。)
  • 2、She finally arrived ata telephone booth and put in the COINS before dialing Paris.(她終于來到電話亭,投入硬幣后便開始撥打巴黎。)
  • 3、It happened that there wasa telephone booth nearby.(碰巧在附近有個公用電話亭。)
  • 4、A man was sweeping near the telephone booth.(電話亭旁有一個人在掃地。)
  • 5、There is a a public telephone booth. Why not call the boss there?(那兒有座公共電話亭,給老板打個電話吧。)
  • 6、In the telephone booth, a girl was making a call.(電話亭里,有一個女孩在打電話。)
  • 7、At the first drug store he stopped, seeing a long-distance telephone booth inside.(走到第一家藥店,他看見店里有個長途電話間,于是停了下來。)
  • 8、One day, when John was working, Mrs. Morris called him froma telephone booth.(一天,當約翰在工作時,莫里斯太太從一個電話亭給他打了一個電話。)
  • 9、After lunch, I made a call to my mum in the nearby telephone booth and told her I was going home soon.(午飯后,我到附近的電話亭給母親打了個電話:“媽,今天我回家!”)
  • 10、His big invention was something called an "orgone energy accumulator", a box about the size ofa telephone booth which collected good atmospheric energy.(他的一大發(fā)明是一種稱作“自然力蓄積器”的器件,這是一個電話亭大小的箱子,它可以收集大氣中好的能量。)
  • 11、Where can I finda telephone booth?(我在哪兒可以找到電話亭?)
  • 12、Fortunately, there wasa telephone booth on the roadside so Mr. Zeng called Jinggangshan education commission to send a car down to pick us.(還好,路旁有個電話亭,曾老師趕忙打電話向井岡山市教委求救---請上面派輛好車下來。)
  • 13、There isa telephone booth near the cinema.(電影院附近有一個電話亭。) hao86.com
  • 14、There happened to bea telephone booth near the bus stop.(正巧有一個電話亭在公共汽車站附近。)
  • 15、He banged intoa telephone booth and hurt his leg.(他撞在了一個電話亭上,傷了腿。)
  • 16、They said: "With the popularity of mobile phones, a growing number of public telephone booth is idle."(他們表示:“隨著移動電話的普及,越來越多的公共電話亭處于閑置狀態(tài)?!?
  • 17、So we hada telephone booth used to produce tanks and scrap the idea.(因此我們就產(chǎn)生了利用廢舊電話亭來制作水族缸的想法。)

a telephone booth基本釋義