
a pair of造句

a pair of造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:01:53


a pair of造句

  • 1、The mechanic was wearinga pair of blue overalls.(機修工穿著一件藍色工裝連衣褲。)
  • 2、Many parents may baulk at the idea of paying $100 fora pair of shoes.(許多做父母的可能不愿出100塊錢買一雙鞋。)
  • 3、Another of his lucky finds wasa pair of candleholders.(他另一個幸運的發(fā)現(xiàn)是一對燭臺。)
  • 4、I find the best tool for the purpose isa pair of shears.(我發(fā)現(xiàn)達到這一目的的最好工具是一把大剪刀。)
  • 5、He wore old jeans anda pair of sneakers.(他穿一條舊牛仔褲,腳蹬運動鞋。)
  • 6、She burrowed in the drawer fora pair of socks.(她在抽屜里翻找一雙襪子。)
  • 7、He also worea pair of suspenders.(他也穿著吊帶褲。)
  • 8、She hasa pair of clever hands.(她有一雙靈巧的手。)
  • 9、The winners will each receive a voucher fora pair of movie tickets.(獲勝者每人將獲得一張代幣券,可換取兩張電影票。)
  • 10、This denim work shirt is as great witha pair of jeans as it is with a tie on casual Fridays.(休閑星期五穿這件丁尼布工作衫配牛仔褲與穿工作衫配領帶一樣好。)
  • 11、a pair of big hands reached me.(一雙大手向我伸過來。)
  • 12、Is thisa pair of new socks?(這是一雙新襪子嗎?)
  • 13、I'd likea pair of sports shoes.(我想要雙運動鞋。)
  • 14、They'rea pair of young Satans.(他們是一對小魔鬼。)
  • 15、He did not have on his other lucky charm,a pair of green socks.(他沒穿另一件吉祥物:一雙綠襪子。)
  • 16、Off came her sneakers and on wenta pair of stilettos.(她脫下運動鞋,穿上一雙細高跟鞋。)
  • 17、He put ona pair of boxer shorts and a vest.(他穿上一條平腿短褲和一件背心。)
  • 18、He had changed his boots fora pair of Oxfords.(他已經(jīng)將靴子換成了一雙牛津淺幫鞋。)
  • 19、Maximo put ona pair of glasses.(馬克西莫戴上了一副眼鏡。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 20、a pair of oxen, yoked together, was used.(把兩頭牛用軛套在一起使喚。)
  • 21、He twisted her arms behind her back and clippeda pair of handcuffs on her wrists.(他把她的雙臂扭到她的背后,把一副手銬扣在她的手腕上。)
  • 22、a pair of teenage boys were smoking cigarettes.(兩個青少年正在抽煙。)
  • 23、He needsa pair of good boots.(他需要一雙好靴子。)
  • 24、She clampeda pair of headphones over her ears.(她把一副耳機戴在兩邊耳朵上。)
  • 25、His surgical instruments were a knife anda pair of pincers.(他的手術器械是一把刀和一把鑷子。)
  • 26、That's not the right way to holda pair of scissors.(那樣拿剪子不對。)
  • 27、The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will wina pair of tickets, worth $30 each.(任意抽取的前10名符合要求的入圍者將贏得兩張入場券,每張價值$30。)
  • 28、Please give mea pair of gloves.(請給我一副手套。)
  • 29、I was searching fora pair of grey gloves to go with my new gown.(我在找一副灰色手套來配我的新禮服。)

a pair of基本釋義

a pair of

英 [? p?? ?v] 美 [e p?r ?v] 
一對; 一雙