
account receivable造句

account receivable造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:01:35


account receivable造句

  • 1、"The property law" regulates thataccount receivable can be pledged.(《物權法》明確規(guī)定,應收賬款可以出質。)
  • 2、To write off anaccount receivable is to reduce the balance of the customer's account to zero.(這樣一來,員工拿了錢,客戶的賬戶上顯示余額為零,會計賬目也是平衡的。)
  • 3、So, how to make scientific management aboutaccount receivable has become an important topic of discussion on Modern Corporation financial.(因此,如何對應收賬款進行科學管理,已成為現(xiàn)代企業(yè)財務管理的重要議題。)
  • 4、Meanwhile, we should strengthen daily control, sets up and amplify the internal control system foraccount receivable.(同時,加強應收賬款日??刂疲?、健全應收賬款的內(nèi)部控制制度。)
  • 5、But under traditionalaccount receivable management pattern, many enterprises, because sells on credit besets with a crisis finance, even goes bankrupt.(但在傳統(tǒng)的應收賬款管理模式下,很多企業(yè)因為賒銷陷入財務危機,甚至破產(chǎn)。)
  • 6、Theaccount receivable management level is restricting the enterprise whole management level promotion.(應收賬款管理水平制約著企業(yè)整體管理水平的提升。)
  • 7、This text proceeds from DLY company's actual conditions, researches management problem of theaccount receivable of the company deeply.(本文從DLY公司實際情況出發(fā),對公司應收賬款管理問題進行了比較深入的研究。)
  • 8、The analysis ofaccount receivable and inventory.(三是應收款項和存貨分析法;)
  • 9、It stresses the inner control to the currency hinds and the accounts receivable inner control ofaccount receivable.(重點介紹了對貨幣資金的內(nèi)部控制和應收賬款的內(nèi)部控制。)
  • 10、To manageaccount receivable efficiency is of momentous significance on improving the competitive power and saleroom of market.(合理規(guī)劃統(tǒng)籌應收賬款對擴大市場的競爭力及銷售力具有重要且不可取代的意義。)
  • 11、Therefore theaccount receivable management is in the business management activity the eternal melody.(所以應收賬款管理是企業(yè)管理活動中永恒的旋律。)
  • 12、Handle batch Posting ataccount receivable.(處理批處理入帳。)
  • 13、account receivable is not equal to creditor right, it has its special definition and range.(應收賬款并不等同于債權,有其特定的內(nèi)涵和范圍。)
  • 14、It is straightly pointed out in the text thataccount receivable and development trends exist in our domestic companies.(首先,本文提出課題研究的背景,闡述了我國企業(yè)應收賬款的現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展趨勢。)
  • 15、Measurement ofaccount receivable risk contains loss to give up other profit opportunity, expense burdened by enterprises, bad debt loss.(應收賬款風險的衡量包括:放棄其它贏利機會的損失、企業(yè)負擔的費用、壞賬損失。)
  • 16、The average amount of time required to collect anaccount receivable.(收回應收賬款的平均時間長度。) hAo86.com
  • 17、This article discusses this topic, expatiating on the current situation, drawbacks and management measures ofaccount receivable.(本文從應收賬款的現(xiàn)狀、應收賬款得弊端、應收賬款得的管理辦法等方面加以闡述。)

account receivable基本釋義

account receivable

英 [??kaunt r??si:v?b?l] 美 [??ka?nt r??siv?b?l] 
