
ahead of schedule造句

ahead of schedule造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:04


ahead of schedule造句

  • 1、The restructuring of General Motors, for example, is comfortablyahead of schedule.(以通用汽車的重組為例,這不過(guò)是充裕地把日程安排提前了而已。)
  • 2、The first phase of the project was completed two monthsahead of schedule.(第一期工程提前兩個(gè)月完工。)
  • 3、Of course.You have finished the task a weekahead of schedule.(當(dāng)然,你已經(jīng)提前一周完成任務(wù)了。)
  • 4、Thanks to your help, we accomplished the taskahead of schedule.(虧得你們幫忙,我們才提前完成了任務(wù)。)
  • 5、Group earnings were boosted by swingeing cost cuts and staff reductions, both runningahead of schedule.(集團(tuán)利潤(rùn)得到了大幅削減成本和裁員的推動(dòng),這兩項(xiàng)工作的進(jìn)度都較計(jì)劃有所提前。)
  • 6、I have fulfilled my assigned workahead of schedule, so has he.(我已提前完成了交給我的工作,他也提前完成了交給他的工作。)
  • 7、He has already offered to hold elections by the end of 2010, a yearahead of schedule.(他已經(jīng)要求在2010年底舉行選舉,這比預(yù)計(jì)的時(shí)間早了一年。)
  • 8、Richards had defied doctors by using an oxygen tent to recover from his hamstring injuryahead of schedule to play in the showpiece last Saturday.(理查茲無(wú)視醫(yī)生的建議,在上周六的比賽中提前使用氧氣帳篷從肌腱傷勢(shì)中恢復(fù)。)
  • 9、Another aspect is to start your dayahead of schedule.(另一方面就是比時(shí)間表更早地開(kāi)始你的一天。)
  • 10、The aircraft will be delivered later this month, three monthsahead of schedule.(戰(zhàn)機(jī)將于本月晚些時(shí)候交付于FAAF,這比預(yù)定時(shí)間提前了三個(gè)月。)
  • 11、That puts housing reconstruction three monthsahead of schedule.(房屋重建比原計(jì)劃提前了三個(gè)月。)
  • 12、Not only are their numbers growingahead of schedule, but so too, it is claimed, is their quality.(增加的人數(shù)上不僅大大超過(guò)預(yù)期,而且各方面素質(zhì),業(yè)務(wù)能力都有提升。)
  • 13、The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutesahead of schedule.(那架噴氣式飛機(jī)比預(yù)定時(shí)間提前兩分鐘到達(dá)了約翰內(nèi)斯堡。)
  • 14、The election was held six monthsahead of schedule.(選舉比計(jì)劃日程提前了6個(gè)月舉行。)
  • 15、We'reahead of schedule.(我們比時(shí)間表安排的提前了。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 16、We cancelled other trips and arrived in Orlandoahead of schedule.(我們?nèi)∠似渌穆贸蹋崆暗竭_(dá)了奧蘭多。)
  • 17、The new bridge has been finished two yearsahead of schedule.(新橋提前兩年落成。)
  • 18、In January 1997, Mexico repaid its loan in full, with interest, more than three yearsahead of schedule.(1997年1月,墨西哥提前三年一分不差地支付了貸款和貸款利息。)
  • 19、If the SPI is greater than one, the project isahead of schedule.(如果SPI大于一,項(xiàng)目是比計(jì)劃超前的。)
  • 20、Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilledahead of schedule.(由于我們的共同努力,任務(wù)提前完成了。)
  • 21、No plants will be phased out of useahead of schedule, however.(但是,當(dāng)前沒(méi)有任何一個(gè)核電站會(huì)提前關(guān)閉。)
  • 22、The two ended up meetingahead of schedule the next night, to go to a CouchSurfing party.(結(jié)果,第二天晚上,早于他們的計(jì)劃,他們就見(jiàn)面了,一起去一個(gè)CouchSurfing的聚會(huì)。)
  • 23、We have finished the releaseahead of schedule – again.(我們又一次比預(yù)期時(shí)間提前完成了軟件發(fā)布。)

ahead of schedule基本釋義

ahead of schedule

英 [??hed ?v ??edju:?l] 美 [??h?d ?v ?sk?d?ul] 

