
air conditioner造句

air conditioner造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:03


air conditioner造句

  • 1、Except for condensation from a workingair conditioner on a hot day, no car should ever drip anything, any time.(除了在炎熱的天氣里空調(diào)的冷凝物,任何時(shí)候任何汽車都不應(yīng)該滴水。)
  • 2、These homes were all built to take advantage of simple, natural cooling methods–noair conditioner required.(這些住宅都利用簡(jiǎn)單、自然的冷卻方法而建——無(wú)需空調(diào)。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、If you want to just be warm in your room, please control yourself. — From the instructions on a Japanese hotelair conditioner.(如果你只想要房間里暖和,請(qǐng)控制你自己——日本一家旅館空調(diào)使用說(shuō)明。)
  • 4、At least you didn't buy a "dirty" TV orair conditioner.(至少你沒買到黑心電視或黑心冷氣。)
  • 5、Do you want to turn on theair conditioner or open the window?(你想開空調(diào)還是開窗?)
  • 6、Theair conditioner was just what the Brooklyn printer needed.(這種空調(diào)設(shè)備正好是布魯克林印刷機(jī)所需要的。)
  • 7、Don't rely on anair conditioner, ventilation system or an open window to clear the air.(不要依賴空調(diào),排氣系統(tǒng)或打開窗戶來(lái)清潔空氣。)
  • 8、Look under the car for fluid leaks. Except for condensation from a workingair conditioner on a hot day, no car should ever drip anything, any time.(檢查一下汽車底下有沒有液體泄漏。除了在炎熱的天氣里空調(diào)的冷凝物,任何時(shí)候任何汽車都不應(yīng)該滴水。)
  • 9、The house has anair conditioner, a washing machine, two televisions, a DVD player and a treadmill.(這所房子里擁有一部空調(diào)、一臺(tái)洗衣機(jī)、兩臺(tái)電視機(jī)、一部DVD播放器,以及一臺(tái)跑步機(jī)。)
  • 10、Zhengye counts many of China's largestair conditioner producers as its customers.(許多中國(guó)大型空調(diào)生產(chǎn)商都是正業(yè)國(guó)際的客戶。)
  • 11、There’s no denying, though, that a goodair conditioner can beat the heat.(可是,不可否認(rèn)的是,好的空調(diào)設(shè)備可以抵御炎熱。)
  • 12、He gave her anair conditioner and may even have proposed marriage.(他曾送給她一臺(tái)空調(diào),甚至還可能向她求過(guò)婚。)
  • 13、The newair conditioner is getting into the air, a small amount of CFCs has been sealed.(新的空調(diào)已經(jīng)進(jìn)入到空氣,少量的氯氟化碳已被查封。)
  • 14、That's important because anair conditioner works by essentially removing heat from the air.(這一點(diǎn)很重要,因?yàn)榭照{(diào)的核心工作就是去除空氣中的熱量。)
  • 15、I have anair conditioner and a refrigerator.(我有一臺(tái)空調(diào)和一個(gè)冰箱。)
  • 16、Q.air conditioner or open window: Which costs me more gas?(開空調(diào)還是開車窗?哪個(gè)更費(fèi)油?)
  • 17、Solar homes produce the most power on the hot sunny afternoons when everyone rushes home to turn up theair conditioner.(在炎熱晴朗的下午,當(dāng)每個(gè)人都趕回家打開空調(diào)時(shí),(安裝)太陽(yáng)能的家庭發(fā)電量最大。)
  • 18、Maybe we can turn on theair conditioner.(也許我們可以把空調(diào)打開。)
  • 19、They put some good music on the car stereo, turn on theair conditioner, roll up the windows, and just drive.(打開車內(nèi)的音響,放點(diǎn)音樂,開點(diǎn)空調(diào),把窗玻璃搖上,就這樣開著車。)
  • 20、Unplug the phone and use a white-noise machine, or a fan or anair conditioner, to block out background noise.(把電話線拔掉,使用一個(gè)能產(chǎn)生白噪聲的機(jī)器,或是打開電風(fēng)扇、空調(diào),以阻斷背景噪音。)
  • 21、A: What's up with the newair conditioner?(這臺(tái)新冷氣機(jī)是怎么回事?)
  • 22、LL: Not unless you can fix my crummy computer and my crummyair conditioner.(抱歉,我真希望我能幫忙,可是我既不會(huì)修電腦,也不會(huì)修空調(diào)。你有沒有通知你的房東,要他來(lái)修空調(diào)呢?)
  • 23、Which one costs me more gas? Using anair conditioner or open windows?(哪個(gè)更費(fèi)油?開空調(diào)還是開車窗?)
  • 24、There's no denying that a goodair conditioner can beat the heat.(不可否認(rèn)的是一臺(tái)好的空調(diào)設(shè)備可以抵御炎熱。)
  • 25、Did you see that windowair conditioner there?(你們看到那邊那個(gè)窗式空調(diào)嗎?)

air conditioner基本釋義

air conditioner

英 [e?(r) k?n?di??n?] 美 [er k?n?d???n?] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):air conditioners